The 8 Best Remedies For Constipation

Bananas are an excellent support for digestion because their high fiber content improves bowel movement, making them a powerful natural laxative.

It is considered that a person suffers from constipation when they have difficulty going to the toilet, either through hard stools, or for a prolonged time that exceeds 72 hours. But did you know that there are cures for constipation?

If each person goes to the bathroom with different frequency, depending on age, weight and type of diet, we say that we suffer from constipation when we do not go to the bathroom for at least three days.

Although many of us think this condition is mild, it is obvious that it still needs to be treated properly to prevent it from becoming a chronic problem.

In most cases, constipation is due to dehydration, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle.

However, it can also be a symptom of a health problem, which requires medical attention.

One of the first things people do when they have constipation is to take a commercial laxative.

However, this is not recommended as the body can become dependent on these laxatives and suffer from side effects.

Fortunately, there are some remedies for constipation. They offer laxative properties to improve digestion and deal with constipation.

1. Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera is one of the medicinal plants with multiple health benefits both internally and externally. It is also one of the many remedies for constipation.

Drinking this juice every day helps cleanse the colon in a natural way and facilitate the elimination of waste.

According to data from Natural Standard a compound in aloe called aloin is responsible for fighting constipation.

2. The apple

One of the best foods to deal with constipation is apple.

This fruit contains pectin, a substance that stimulates intestinal function.

In addition, according to a study by the Faculty of Medicine at Ohio State University (United States) the apple provides a significant amount of fiber, necessary to soften the stool and stimulate their expulsion.

3. The banana

This delicious fruit is ideal for good digestion and good bowel movement.

It provides a good amount of fiber, which acts as powerful natural laxatives to facilitate the expulsion of stool.

A banana provides an average of 12% of the recommended amount of fiber and it contains f ructooligosaccharide s, substances which, when entering the large intestine, promote good digestion.

4. Green tea

green tea among the remedies for constipation

Green tea has gained popularity in recent years as a powerful antioxidant drink with many health benefits. It is also part of the remedies for constipation.

It has the ability to promote good digestion and stimulate the expulsion of wastes that accumulate in the colon.

This tea has a slight laxative effect which helps to fight against constipation.

5. Oats

People who suffer from constipation should include more oats in their diet.

This food contains carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber, which contribute to better digestion and therefore to avoid constipation.

The ideal is to consume it for breakfast, but also to add it to smoothies, soups and salads.

6. Linen

It is only natural that we put li in the list of remedies for constipation. Flax seeds are characterized by their strong medicinal power, which is attributed in large part to their high content of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.

This food has laxative properties that can help improve bowel movement to flush waste and cleanse the colon.

Just soak a spoonful of flax seeds in a glass of water, let sit overnight and drink it the next morning on an empty stomach.

7. Olive and lemon oil

The mixture of olive oil and lemon is a powerful natural laxative to improve bowel movement and fight constipation.

Just dilute the juice of one lemon in a cup of hot water. Then add a spoonful of olive oil.

Drink every morning before ingesting any food.

8. Apple vinegar and bee honey

Another great mixture for fighting constipation is to dilute 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of water.

Mix all the ingredients and drink them three times a day.

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