A 10 Minute Daily Program To Tone Your Legs And Buttocks

The effectiveness of this program will depend on our determination, as it is essential to be consistent. In addition to shaping our body, we will gain more flexibility and improve our overall health.

The legs and buttocks are part of the power of attraction of any person, hence the desire to tone them and eliminate all ailments such as cellulite. 

The great difficulty for most people is the inability to go to the gym to exercise, whether for lack of time or money.

Although diet plays a decisive role in shaping the legs and buttocks, exercise is the only way to strengthen them, to make them even more beautiful. 

The good news is that we don’t have to move to a specific location in order to be able to work these parts of the body.

By adopting good habits and following a 10-minute daily program, it is possible to achieve the desired appearance. Do you want to learn how to do these exercises?

Thrusting exercises

There are many different ways that you can do throws, but they always have the same goal: to strengthen and tone your legs and buttocks.

This simple exercise has great benefits for muscle groups:

  • Hips.
  • Calves.
  • Belly.
  • Back.

How to achieve them?

  • Stand with your legs close together and your arms at your sides.
  • Then take two or three steps forward with the right leg and descend, bending both knees as if you wanted to touch the ground with it. Both knees should form a 90 ° C angle. 
  • The dynamic of jumps consists of replacing the big step with a jump.
  • As you change legs, do it by jumping.
  • Interval this movement with both legs for 2 minutes.


This exercise focuses on the buttocks, but it  also has a positive effect on the legs, stomach and back.

How to achieve them?

  • Stand up with your legs shoulder-width apart, with the tips of your feet facing out.
  • Lower your buttocks down until you are seated in the air, being careful that the knees do not extend beyond the feet and that the back remains straight.
  • As you bend down, raise both arms parallel to the shoulders to help keep your balance.
  • Go down as much as you can and come back to the starting position.
  • The ideal is to do 3 sets of 25 or 30 repetitions, in a maximum of three minutes.

Short flexions

This movement is similar to the previous one but in this case, it will be necessary to descend almost to the ground to make small bounces.

It is a strengthening exercise that will allow you to stimulate the effects of the previous exercise. 

How to proceed?

  • Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and lower your buttocks as if you wanted to touch the floor with them.
  • Start making small bounces going down and up quickly. Try to do this movement for about 45 seconds.

Stretching the legs

The leg stretching exercises can be done from different points of support as needed. 

In this case, the idea is to work the muscles of the calves, thighs and buttocks, so you will have to adopt a position of four points of support.

How to proceed ?

  • Get on all fours on the floor or on a groundsheet.
  • Raise your right leg as much as you can, until your foot is pointing to the ceiling.
  • Lower it carefully and repeat the same movement with the other leg, trying to keep them each for at least 2 seconds in the air.
  • The idea is to repeat the same movement for at least 2 minutes.

The bridge

To complete this exercise program, you will be able to perform this simple movement which will help tone your buttocks, thighs and stomach. 

The bridge involves lifting the pelvis while you contract your stomach and hips, putting all of your strength into your legs.

How to proceed ?

  • Lie on your stomach on a floor mat and lift your hips and pelvis towards the ceiling while resting on the floor with your feet and knees bent.
  • Try to hold the position without dropping your hips to the floor and do three sets.

The success of this short but comprehensive program depends on how consistently you apply it.

The ideal is to do this every day and supplement it with a healthy diet.

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