Cassava, Oatmeal And Chocolate Bread Free From Gluten, Lactose And Sugar

Although it is ideal for people with food intolerance, those who do not have a problem with eating. consuming these ingredients can just as well enjoy this delicious cassava bread.

Recipes that do not contain gluten, lactose or sugar are increasingly sought after, both to overcome a health problem but also to eat healthy.

The cassava, oatmeal and chocolate bread that we offer you in this article is a delicious option to eliminate the urge to eat sweet without feeling remorse.

Discover the simple steps to make this cassava bread that everyone will love.

What is cassava?

gluten-free cassava bread

Cassava is also known as yuca and is cultivated in South America, Central America, and Africa.

We eat the root of this plant, which is very rich in starch. Many recipes are made with the flour of this starch, especially for breadmaking.

The great advantage of cassava for many people is that it does not contain gluten. In fact, this recipe is similar to other types of cassava breads that are made in some countries like Colombia or Paraguay.

There are two varieties of cassava: sour or bitter and sweet. This second is the one we will use for our cassava bread.

It is essential to stress that raw cassava should never be eaten, as it is toxic to health.

Are dairy products good for you?

There are different factors that influence the consumption of dairy products:

  • Milk and its derivatives that are consumed today are generally unhealthy products because of the amount of added substances they contain, such as hormones and antibiotics.

Ecological dairy products from free range cows would be the exception.

  • There are a lot of people who don’t digest lactose well because over the years we usually lose the lactase enzyme in our body.
  • Dairy products are linked to a buildup of mucus in the airways.
  • Some people feel their face or body swell if they drink milk at night.
  • Dairy products can cause skin problems like dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.

However, some people consume milk and dairy products throughout their lives without experiencing any of these issues.

It is better to reduce your sugar intake

sugar free recipes

If we want to eat healthy, we should acquire the good habit of reducing the amount of sugar and sugary foods that we eat.

If we could see how much sugar is in the drinks and sweets we eat every day, we’d be surprised.

We can choose, as far as possible, sweet products made from honey, cane sugar, Stevia, agave syrup, coconut sugar, etc.

Our palate will gradually get used to these new flavors, as we will also lose our addiction to sugar.

Cassava, oatmeal and chocolate bread without gluten, lactose or sugar


  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups of cassava flour (300 g)
  • Oatmeal (90 g – 2 cups)
  • Vanilla essence (30 g – 2 tablespoons)
  • ½ cup sweet olive, sunflower or coconut oil (110 g)
  • 2 cups of plant-based coconut milk, gluten-free oatmeal or rice (500 mL)
  • ½ cup of agave syrup or coconut sugar (110 g)
  • 1 pinch of sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder (12 g)
  • Chocolate chips (without milk)


  • First preheat the oven to 180 ºC.
  • For convenience, you can make this recipe using a blender.
  • Start by beating the 3 eggs.
  • Add the essence of vanilla, salt, sweetener, vegetable drink and oil, then beat again.
  • Add the cassava flour and oats and beat everything.
  • Finally, add the yeast and mix well all the preparation, which should have a fairly liquid texture.
  • Preferably use individual muffin tins, for example silicone, which you will fill about three quarters full.
  • Finally, add a few chocolate chips in each compartment.
  • Bake for about 40 minutes at 180 ºC. Make sure they are cooked through before taking them out of the oven.
  • If using silicone molds, remove them quickly to prevent the base from getting wet.
  • Let them cool and they will be ready to eat.

To reduce the number of calories in our recipes, we can replace white sugar with natural sweeteners, such as stevia, bee honey or agave syrup.

We will explain to you how to prepare a delicious  chocolate cake, in a very simple way, and with surprising ingredients, without flour, without sugar and without dairy products.

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