6 Exercises To Stimulate Circulation In The Legs

To improve blood circulation in the legs, it is enough to devote 30 minutes per day to physical activity. Walking for 20 minutes a day strengthens circulation as well as blood vessels.

Fortunately, there are special programs that reduce this risk at all stages of life.  In this article, we share with you some healthy and easy exercises that you can do to improve blood circulation in the legs.

But, first of all, we want to clarify some important aspects to know about the circulation of the legs in order to understand the importance of playing sports every day, or at least 3-5 times a week.

About the circulation of the legs …

The circulation of the legs can be affected by several factors. Thus, the discomfort manifests itself through various symptoms which in one way or another decrease the quality of life of the person.

Although circulatory disorders can affect people of all ages, generally  people aged 40 and over are usually the most affected. Among the determining factors are lifestyle habits and, above all, regular physical exercise.

Physical exercise is a key measure to take care of the circulation of the legs and the body. Physical activity should be done every day for at least 30 minutes.

1. Pedaling movements to improve leg circulation

A woman doing sit-ups.

One of the best activities for stimulating blood circulation in the legs is the movement of pedaling while lying on the floor.

This movement involves lifting and pedaling with the legs, in order to  stimulate the return of blood to the heart.

How to do ?

  • Lying on the floor or on a mat, make sure your back is straight and your hands behind your neck.
  • Then raise your legs and pedal in the air for a few minutes.
  • Do this exercise every day.

2. Lift and bend the legs to stimulate blood circulation in the legs

Leg elevation exercises promote circulation in the legs because they stimulate blood circulation. They are excellent for fighting circulatory disorders like varicose veins.

How to do ?

  • Lying on the floor on your back, first raise your legs towards the ceiling and extend them as far as you can.
  • Then bend your knees and stretch your legs again. Do up to 20 repetitions with alternating movements. Knee bends are a complementary movement that helps achieve better results.

3. Separation of the legs to stimulate their circulation

A woman doing leg exercises.

This simple movement facilitates the return of blood from the legs to the rest of the body, and therefore prevents the formation of varicose veins and spiders.

It consists of spreading and bringing the legs together several times, trying to maintain a balance.

How to do ?

  • Lying on the floor looking at the ceiling, straighten your legs, spread them apart and bring them together again.
  • Do two or three sets of 15 reps each.

4. The turns with the legs to stimulate blood circulation in the legs

Doing laps with your legs is a relaxing movement. This movement also helps boost blood circulation after a day of strenuous activity.

At first it may seem a bit difficult due to the repetition. However, it can be done gradually until you reach the recommended number of exercises.

How to do ?

  • Lying on a mat, straighten out one leg and then do clockwise turns.
  • Then carefully lower one leg to the floor and lift the other to do the same on the other side.
  • Do between 15 and 20 turns with each leg. Finally, try to do three sets on each side.

5. Foot curls to promote circulation in the legs

Flexions, in all their forms, are indeed good exercises to improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles. In this case, it is a fairly simple type of flexion, where the movement is done only with the feet.

How to do ?

  • Sitting on a chair, with your heels resting on the floor, lift your tiptoes and keep them in the air for a few seconds.
  • Then lower them, then raise your heels alternately.
  • Do 20 repetitions on each side.

6. Walking to activate the circulation of the legs

To take care of the blood circulation in the legs, nothing could be better or simpler than walking for 30-40 minutes every day. Muscle groups that work through walking help promote blood flow and also strengthen the vessels.

How to do?

  • Take 10 minutes for a slow walk every day.
  • After the ten minutes have passed,  try going to a faster pace and holding it for 30 minutes.
  • If you need to stop to rest, try not to stay still so that you don’t feel discomfort during the recovery.

A woman walking with dumbbells.

Additional advice …

Daily exercise will help you take care of your leg circulation  and enjoy better overall health. But it must be accompanied by other healthy habits.

However, for the effects to be optimal, it is essential to supplement these practices with the consumption of healthy foods that stimulate blood circulation For example: blueberries, ginger, blue fish, dried fruits, garlic, onion, green vegetables, among others.

It is also necessary to avoid the use of overly dressed clothes and shoes as well as  the excessive ingestion of salt . M aintaining proper hydration is also fundamental.

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