The Negative Effects Of Using The Microwave

Electromagnetic waves can alter the chemical structure of foods, and cause long-term damage, so do not overuse the microwave oven.

There is a lot of research related to the use of this popular household appliance in homes around the world, and especially in large cities. Studies have shown that its regular use poses a great health risk. Here in this article are the negative effects of using the microwave.

How does the microwave work?

It is undoubtedly one of the most modern inventions that it is, and which makes it possible to reheat or prepare our food in a few minutes. Microwaves are very easy to use, save energy and time, and use less electricity than gas used in the oven.

It is a form of electromagnetic energy which includes light waves, the same as those of the radio. Each microwave has a magnetron, a tube where radiation occurs, approximately 2450 MHz, which interacts with molecules in the food.

All the energy waves in this household appliance change the polarity from positive to negative in each of the cycles, ie millions of times per second.

This molecular friction not only produces heat, but it also harms or damages amino acids. By transforming them into toxic substances for the body.

The effects of the microwave.

In foods, the use of the microwave causes:

  • the creation of carcinogenic substances by the transformation of cells
  • reducing the compatibility of its nutrients (minerals and vitamins)
  • a loss of between 60 and 90% of energy
  • a decrease in protein value and the creation of free radicals

The 3 harmful effects of the microwave

In the first place, the water is overheated, a specific phenomenon of this household appliance. When we put a container with water in the microwave to heat it up, it can approach boiling temperatures. But without the traditional “bubbles”, that’s why we don’t always realize that the water is boiling or not.

Sometimes a container can burst by instant boiling when the door is opened due to the change in temperature. This cause can create severe damage to the hands, face, neck, etc.

It is necessary to be very careful when the water is heated, whether it is for a tea, a coffee, or a semi-liquid product like milk. 

The effects of the microwave on food.

Second is leaching: a concern some microwave users have.

Some contents heated by this means release chemicals due to the leaching of the plastic. Ingestion of these substances may be carcinogenic.

Great care should be taken with non-microwave-safe containers and if there is no other solution than to use this appliance for reheating, it is better to switch to a glass or ceramic dish.

And third, as we said earlier, there is food spoilage. Microwaves reduce the levels of vitamin B12, which is important for the formation of cells and red blood cells.

It also destroys flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory and help fight cancer. It can also kill enzymes in breast milk and destroy its antibiotic properties.

Cancer from the microwave.

The dangers of using the microwave

  • Eating foods that are reheated daily or cooked in the microwave causes permanent damage in the long run. Because of the changes in the nutrients in food.
  • The human body does not have the capacity to duplicate unknown substances, that is to say that they are formed inside the food heated in this device.
  • The production of hormones (female and male) is altered or stopped.
  • Mineral salts in plants are converted into free radicals, causing cancer.

The dangers of the microwave.

  • Consumption of foods prepared in the microwave causes the increase of carcinogenic tumors in the stomach and intestines. This is why colon cancer cases are so common).
  • Regular consumption of these foods causes an increase in cancer cells in the tissues.
  • It weakens the immune system because of the alterations caused in the blood plasma and the lymph nodes.
  • It impairs cognitive brain functions, causing memory loss, emotional instability, and impaired concentration.
  • The nutrients, minerals and vitamins in food reduce or deteriorate in the microwave, “as if we haven’t eaten them”.
  • Up to 75% of the antioxidants in food are destroyed. Electromagnetic waves cause water molecules to vibrate, generating friction from the inside to the outside. Thus altering the chemical structure.

The toxicity of the microwave.

Other dangers of the microwave

  • The use of the microwave is linked to various illnesses such as colds and also the flu.
  • The cellular barriers of vegetables heated with this household appliance are completely weakened (seen with a microscope).
  • It also generates electrical radiation.
  • It devitalizes food at the energy level.

Negatives of the microwave.

Heating breast milk in the microwave is a big mistake, according to another investigation related to the use of this popular household appliance. Paediatricians advise that this is not a very healthy habit and also try to make mothers understand that avoiding this practice will not allow them to face problems in their children.

While it is well known that heating milk in the oven causes it to lose certain nutrients, in the microwave it is even worse. Since as we explained above, electromagnetic waves modify the components of food.

This can lead to consequences that babies are more vulnerable to diseases, and that they also do not have good immune defenses. They also begin to generate greater amounts of free radicals.   


In our time, using this type of household appliance is quite common, but however, it must be taken into account that its effects will not be immediate and will still cause damage in our body one day or another, if we do not let’s not be careful.

As with everything, when used in excess, the main drawbacks appear, which is why our main recommendation is to decide to gradually reduce the use of this appliance.

Its use must therefore be something strictly necessary, to avoid future inconveniences. And you, do you heat your food in a pan or also in the microwave?

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