6 Benefits Of Green Bananas You Didn’t Know

Although eating ripe bananas also has health benefits, eating green bananas helps us control our weight and even promotes fat burning. fats.

Green bananas are considered to be one of the best foods that can be incorporated into balanced diets.

These benefits can range from losing weight, controlling blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol levels and maintaining the health of each person who consumes it.

Properties of green bananas

Among the greatest benefits of green bananas is its high level of fiber, which reaches 3.6 grams per cup (150 g). In addition, it is also a great source of:

  • Vitamins (from the B complex)
  • Minerals (calcium, magnesium)

In addition, green bananas also provide us with resistant starch, a type of fiber that cannot be digested by enzymes in the stomach.

Thus, it causes a fermentation reaction by bacteria beneficial to health.

Once fermented, this starch contributes to the health of the intestinal lining by:

  • Absorb nutrients more easily
  • Avoid the entry of invading organisms
  • Feed these bacteria which are essential for gastrointestinal health

Benefits of green bananas on human body

Among the most important benefits of green bananas for the human body are:

1. Weight control

green banana helps control weight

It provides us with half the calories of these foods with conventional carbohydrates.

  • In addition, resistant starch is also characterized by high fiber values, which increases the feeling of fullness and significantly reduces appetite.

However, this does not mean that adding green bananas to the diet will completely eliminate hunger and fat. For the weight loss process to be successful, it must be combined with other foods and continuous exercise.

2. Cholesterol regulation

Consistent consumption of foods such as green bananas can help drastically reduce the production of LDL cholesterol. It is known to be bad cholesterol and is located inside the liver.

So, at the same time as it eliminates it through the digestive system, it increases the levels of HDL cholesterol, known as good cholesterol.

3. Improved cardiovascular health

Due to the reduced levels of cholesterol and triglycerides which generally affect the health of the heart considerably, green bananas are one of the best foods that can be eaten in a healthy diet.

Compared to the previous point, by increasing HDL levels, it contributes and promotes the health of the cardiovascular system, since it:

  • Prevents retention of LDL in the walls of blood vessels
  • Prevents heart attacks and other types of cardiovascular disease
  • Eliminates the possibility of inflammation that can affect the heart and the entire chest area

4. Prevention of diabetes with green bananas

Green bananas are also able to regulate glucose levels in the body, controlling and helping to prevent the onset of type II diabetes.

This happens due to the slow release of sugars in the blood, which the green banana produces. Thus, it prevents the variation of its levels and promotes the stable release of insulin.

Likewise, regulating insulin levels in the blood can help:

  • Decrease fat accumulation
  • Speed ​​up the metabolism
  • Decrease appetite

These properties make green bananas the perfect food for those who, in addition to seeking a healthier lifestyle, want to lose weight.

Also, as we have just seen, the green banana is ideal for those who suffer from diabetes.

5. Better fat burning

green bananas allow better fat burning

One of the excellent benefits that is given to people who consume green bananas is the remarkable increase in the burning of fats which are stored in the body.

This is produced by stimulating the hormone glucagon, which is responsible for accelerating thermogenesis.

6. Stimulation of the body

Another of the important benefits of green bananas is its ability to be used as an energizing food, especially during times that require rapid muscle recovery.

Finally, its contribution to vitamin B5 and tryptophan promotes the synthesis of serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for:

  • Stimulate these sensations linked to pleasure and well-being
  • Allow deep and restful sleep
  • Significantly reduce anxiety and depression

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