The Tongue Scraper: What Is It And How To Use It?

The tongue scraper helps you prevent bad breath, infections and a healthier mouth. Find out more about him in this article.

Since we were little, people try to teach us how important it is to have good oral hygiene. Our smile and our breath say a lot about us. But have you ever heard of the tongue scraper?

As you know, in order to have truly clean teeth and mouth, it is not enough to brush your teeth twice a day. In fact, dentists place great emphasis on one good accomplishment of this habit:  brushing your teeth properly after every meal.

They also recommend that we use mouthwash and dental floss at least once a day. All these measures have the same goal: to eliminate all the remains of food and bacteria from our teeth and oral mucous membranes.

When we fail to do this cleansing well, these leftovers accumulate. It happens on our tongue. This is why, in this article, we are going to explain to you what a tongue scraper is and why it is very important to include it in your hygiene.

What is a tongue scraper?

The tongue scraper is a small tool that is also called a tongue scraper. Although there are different types, it is usually U-shaped.  It is used to remove any food and bacteria residue from the surface of the tongue  that may remain after brushing your teeth.

This is very important and many people ignore it: The bacteria that cause a problem with halitosis, for example, can reside on the tongue. Halitosis, or bad breath, is the unpleasant odor that occurs in our mouth.

The majority of cases of halitosis occur precisely because we cannot properly clean our mouth. When this happens, food scraps, bacteria, and saliva build up. We then see the formation of a thin and transparent film, the bacterial plaque.

Brushing teeth.

The action of these bacteria is responsible for the unpleasant odor that is created. It is therefore very important to pay attention to all corners of the mouth, including the tongue. Thus, we will be able to clean all areas conscientiously.

How effective is the tongue scraper?

Even if you practice good hygiene and brush your tongue with your usual toothbrush, it may not be enough. According to dentists,  a tongue scraper is almost 30% more effective  at removing all bacteria from the tongue.

In addition,  it allows to reach areas further away from the tongue than a toothbrush and less aggressively. This is an inexpensive utensil that can be easily obtained from any drugstore or some supermarkets.

Following a thorough oral hygiene routine can help you  prevent bad breath, but it will also help you avoid many illnesses and infections, such as periodontal disease.

How do you use a tongue cleaner?

The best way to use a tongue scraper is to include it in your normal hygiene routine and use it when brushing your teeth. You can do it at any time of the day but it is a little more important to use it in the morning because it is during the night that many germs accumulate in our mouth.

A woman's tongue.

The ideal is that you do it in front of a mirror because this way you will be able to see your tongue better and will try to go everywhere with the tongue cleaner. Try to cover the entire surface of the tongue, starting with the deepest part.

It is essential that you make the outward movement,  to try to bring all the bacteria back to the tip of the tongue. Repeat the movement three or four times. Remember to rinse your mouth and store the tongue cleaner well.

To conclude

A tongue scraper is a small, economical tool  that helps us remove all the remains and bacteria from our tongue, so that we can avoid bad breath and possible infections or illnesses.

It is ideal if you visit a dentist frequently to carry out checks and perform deep oral cleanings. However, including all of these tips in your regular routine will help you have a healthier mouth.

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