Taste These Delicious Chorizo ​​and Cheese Stuffed Potatoes

Chorizo ​​and Cheese Stuffed Potatoes are a simple recipe that allows for multiple variations, as long as you keep the basic ingredients.

Maybe this article should start with a question: Who doesn’t love potatoes stuffed with chorizo ​​and cheese? The best thing about this preparation is its taste and aroma.

It is surely not easy to sit in the living room or on the sofa as the smell of chorizo ​​and cheese stuffed potatoes pervades the house, yet remains unresponsive.

What is certain is that it will wake up your stomach and your taste buds. To succeed perfectly, you will have to follow all the steps that we present to you below.

On the other hand, if you’re not the type to spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing food, don’t worry. Because this recipe, in addition to being delicious, is extremely easy to make. In addition, the average time varies from 20 to 30 minutes.

Read this article and learn how to make one of the many potato recipes. A simple and versatile ingredient with which you can prepare dozens of delicious recipes!

Indeed, potatoes stuffed with chorizo ​​and cheese are an excellent dish. You’ll fill up on calories, carbohydrates and energy without the complications of home-cooked food.

Also, as with any other recipe, you can use your imagination and tailor it to your liking. That is to say, introduce small variations and add or combine ingredients. Below we tell you how to prepare this delicious dish.

How to make potatoes stuffed with chorizo ​​and cheese

Potatoes stuffed with chorizo ​​and cheese (traditional)

So here is the traditional recipe. This will give you an idea and if you want you can start from this recipe to make any adaptations you want.

So, you will find that the effort is worth it and when you taste a bite, you will smile with pleasure.


  • 8 large potatoes (1 kilo)
  • 4 pieces of chorizo ​​(450 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of ground black pepper (15 g)
  • 2 stalks of celery, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of ground oregano (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)
  • ½ glass of cream cheese (100 g)
  • 1 glass of cream (200 g)
  • ½ glass of mozzarella (100 g)
  • 2 chives, finely chopped


  • Start by washing the potatoes well. You need to make sure to remove as much soil as possible. Remember that this ingredient is a tuber and it is important to follow this step.
  • Then you will need to fill a medium saucepan with water, a little salt and place the unpeeled potatoes inside, over medium heat, until tender.
  • At the same time, in a frying pan it will be time to prepare the chorizo.
  • You have to cut the chorizo ​​pieces into very thin slices and pour a little oil in the pan. Wait until it warms up a bit and add the chorizo.
  • To give it aroma and flavor, add garlic, oregano, salt and pepper to the pan.
  • Also add the cream and the cream of cheese, and mix everything in the pan with the chorizo. Remember, this will be the stuffing of the potatoes. Everything must be very tasty and well seasoned.
  • However, if you notice that certain flavors are missing, you can vary the amounts of garlic, oregano, pepper and salt to suit your taste.
  • At this point in preparation, the potatoes should be ready and tender.
  • Remove and set aside until they cool slightly. Then remove the skin from the potatoes.
  • Pay attention to this step. Now you need to make a small hole in the center of each potato and, using a teaspoon, remove the inside of the potato. Do the same with all the potatoes.
  • Just fill each of the potatoes with the chorizo ​​and cheese mixture you already made in the frying pan.
  • Finally, you can either grill each of the potatoes with a small kitchen torch, or brown them by putting them in the oven for 5 minutes.

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