The Best Tips And Juices To Detoxify The Intestines

Breakfast is essential to cleanse our intestines. To help them function, start the day with a hot drink of water and lemon

Nowadays, many people suffer from intestinal problems due to poor diet. Indeed, the sedentary lifestyle and bad habits of everyday life fill our body with toxins and waste. This thus complicates the functioning of our depurative organs. Here are tips for detoxifying the intestines.

Purifying and detoxifying the intestines is one of the best ways to promote the complete cleansing of our body. It is also a good way to restore the optimal functioning of our body.

It is for this reason that there are more and more tips and recommendations for purifying the intestines. It is also about eliminating all waste which, in the long term, can seriously affect our health.

A poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle can negatively affect the health of our gut. It is therefore fundamental to stimulate them and keep them healthy in order to improve our state of health and our quality of life.

So in this article, we are going to share with you some great tips and some juice recipes that will help you detoxify the intestines naturally.

Tips to cleanse and detoxify your intestines

If you have a poor digestive system, chronic constipation, gas, or abdominal swelling, you may need to cleanse your bowels.

Consider the following tips:

  • Have a good breakfast.
    Breakfast plays a very important role in cleaning our intestines, and therefore in our digestion process. We therefore recommend that you start the day with a hot drink such as tea, or a glass of lemon water. Then you can consume oats, fruits, vegetables and also natural smoothies.
  • Go to the bathroom when your body asks for it.
    Indeed, the body systematically sends signals when it wants to evacuate waste. If you hold back your cravings for too long, you can develop chronic constipation and cause other bowel problems.
  • Do not contract too much during evacuation.
    It is not recommended to contract during waste disposal. The ideal is thus to breathe well, and to be well relaxed during the time of the process.
  • Improve your diet.
    It is very important to change your eating habits to keep your bowels healthy and not to encourage the accumulation of waste. You should prioritize eating foods rich in antioxidants and fiber such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Have good physical activity.
    Exercise also plays an important role in detoxification of the body. Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day promotes digestion and gut health. 

The best juices to detoxify the intestines

Consuming natural juices is therefore an excellent way to detoxify your intestines and facilitate good digestion. We are therefore going to give you the best recipes to carry out your purification. 

Orange, peach and strawberry juice

fruit juice to detoxify the intestines

With this juice, you will start to improve your gut health.  Indeed, if you consume it regularly, it will help you facilitate the elimination of toxins, and you will digest much better.


  • The juice of 2 oranges 
  • 3 pitted peaches.
  • 7 strawberries

How to prepare it? 

Mix all the ingredients well in a food processor and drink everything chilled.

Green juice to detoxify the intestines

Green juices are also a great option to cleanse the intestines, and the whole body in general.

The properties of green vegetables are excellent for our respiratory system, for our liver, for our kidneys and also for our colon.

green juice to lose weight


  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 red beet
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 4 romaine lettuce leaves
  • 2 sprigs of dill

How to prepare it?

Wash all the ingredients well. Then place them in your robot with a little water, to facilitate the operation. Consume this juice preferably on an empty stomach.

Apple juice


Fresh apple juice is one of the best alternatives to naturally cleanse the intestines and flush out toxins.

This juice, which should be consumed in large quantities, thus promotes liver functions and also improves bowel movements to combat constipation problems.

How to prepare it? 

First of all, you need to extract the apple juice using a juice extractor. Once the operation is successful, drink a whole glass, on an empty stomach, and half an hour later, drink a glass of water. During the rest of the day, you should consume more than one liter of apple juice.

Apple and carrot juice

Apple and carrot juice

This juice combines the benefits of apples with the properties of carrots, to make a powerfully detoxifying drink for the intestines. The ideal is to consume it for 9 days in a row to obtain excellent results.


  • ½ apple, cut into pieces
  • 1 handful of watercress
  • 2 large carrots

How to prepare it?

Wash the ingredients well, then extract the carrot and apple juice separately. Then, mix the two juices and mix them with the watercress. Drink preferably on an empty stomach.

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