Palpitations: What Causes Them And How To Treat Them?

To avoid palpitations it is very important to ban the consumption of all elements that can affect their appearance, such as tobacco and alcohol, which tend to accelerate the pulse.

Palpitations of the heart are an unpleasant sensation and more common than you think. Just because you feel them does not mean you have a serious health problem, but you have to stay alert.

Much of the accelerated heartbeat is not due to heart disease. In this article we will tell you more about it.

What to know about palpitations

What to know about palpitations

The medical definition indicates that it is an irregularity or abnormality in the beating of the heart.

The frequency is faster than normal and may be due to several reasons, such as:

  • The type of daily activities
  • Excessive sporting activity
  • To smoke
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Drink lots of coffee
  • Use drugs
  • Ingestion of certain medications
  • States of anxiety or stress
  • Congenital problems

The most common symptoms are:

  • Lack of air
  • Dizziness
  • Feel the heart beat very hard
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Tired
  • Pain in the chest
  • Fainting
  • Cold sweats

The feeling we experience is stressful because we think we are having a heart attack. It is necessary to understand that the palpitations are a consequence of the release of the hormone adrenaline and for this reason, they appear when we are faced with a situation of fear or a lot of emotion.

The heartbeat can also increase when we are very anxious about a situation or even when we are thinking of the loved one.

The causes can also be psychosomatic and trigger in the face of a panic attack or imminent danger. In a few people with hypothyroidism, the palpitations are recurrent.

They are not a risk to our health if they appear from time to time or in specific situations. But it is necessary to take them into account if the frequency of episodes increases.

When they are a regular occurrence and not an exception, it is best to consult a doctor.

People who suffer from palpitations say that they have the impression that their heart is “coming out of their chest or rising towards the chest. throat ”And that their thorax makes them suffer a lot.

How to avoid heart palpitations

how to avoid palpitations

Good habits or the way you deal with problems or various situations in life can minimize palpitations.

Here are some tips to reduce or prevent them:

  • Analyze the drugs we consume.
  • Find out about a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure or cerebral hemorrhage.
  • No smoking.
  • Do not drink alcohol or coffee.
  • Keep a journal recording heart rhythms and when the palpitations occur.
  • Determine in which concrete situation the heart beats at a faster rate.
  • Make exercise at low intensity and under medical supervision.
  • Reduce anxiety through relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Have a healthy life and a balanced diet.

What to do in front of an episode of palpitations?

The very instant you feel your heartbeat starting to irregular, sit down and put your feet on the floor.

The second step is to breathe deeply, so that your abdomen widens each time air enters your lungs.

In this way the beats will gradually return to normal. Other interesting techniques can be:

The Valsalva technique

It’s about stuffing your nose, closing your mouth, and exhaling, even if you can’t get the air out anywhere.

This will increase the pressure in the chest and therefore allow the heart rate to recover.


This process also serves to increase the pressure in the chest . It is used by people with pre-infarction and is very good for reducing palpitations.

Drink cold water

drinking cold water to reduce palpitations

By receiving water, the esophagus puts pressure on the heart. There are also people who wet their faces with ice water.

Natural treatments for palpitations

In addition to good habits, it would be good if you choose one of the following remedies to reduce palpitations.


It helps to treat all types of cardiac irregularities thanks to its calming properties. It is a very aromatic plant, used in gastronomy but also in medicine in case of accelerated beats.

It is recommended to consume 2 cups per day of anise infusion. You can find it in small sachets in organic stores.

Squash leaves

Squash is a perfect remedy for treating palpitations. You will only use the leaves, which have substances that calm the nervous system. You can also make an infusion.


  • 1 handful of squash or zucchini leaves
  • 1 liter of water


  • Heat the water with the squash leaves. Once it comes to the boil, filter and let cool a little.
  • Add a tablespoon of the infusion to half a glass of water. Consume a maximum of 3 times a day


This is a very effective and natural remedy that helps prevent any heart problem as it thins the blood and promotes the circulatory system.

It is better than consuming a glass of red wine during the meal, because with reason we take advantage of all its properties in a natural way.


There is no doubt that honey is a fantastic ally for our health. This medicinal food used since antiquity offers us a thousand virtues.

It helps control the heart rate and prevent accelerated beats. Honey brings immediate effects on this vital organ.

It is advisable to consume a tablespoon on an empty stomach. When sleeping, you can also take this drink:


  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25g)


Heat the water then when it is lukewarm add the lemon juice and honey. Consume it before going to bed.

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