9 Benefits Of Chirimoya

Did you know that chirimoya is one of the best fruits to promote digestion and satisfy satiety? Likewise, it is ideal for athletes and it improves the absorption of nutrients.

Chirimoya is a heart-shaped fruit that comes from the Peruvian Andes. Its pulp is sweet, it contains seeds and is covered with a green skin.

Chirimoya is grown during the fall and winter seasons, just like oranges and grapefruits.

It is a fruit rich in vitamins (A, B and C) and minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc).

In this article, we will therefore give you the benefits of chirimoya. It will make you want to include it in your diet.

1. It improves your cardiovascular health

Chirimoya and cardiovascular health

Thanks to its high potassium content, chirimoya helps improve heart health. It is also a natural regulator of blood pressure. It is also rich in antioxidants which control cholesterol levels.

Its low sodium and fat content is another reason it should be eaten. Especially for people who suffer from high blood pressure and other heart conditions.

2. It is a natural anti-microbial

Another of the benefits of chirimoya is its ability to act as a natural protector against parasites.

Indeed, its properties come from its high content of fibers, niacin and citotoxins. In addition, it provides us with large amounts of vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that helps the body resist infections.

3. It is a great ally for losing weight

Eating chirimoya makes you feel full. This is ideal if you are looking to lose weight without giving up healthy eating.

You can add it to your diet as a snack, to dessert or after your workout. It is also recommended for people who suffer from constipation thanks to its laxative effect.

4. It has a tranquilizing and antidepressant effect

Chirimoya is a regulator of the nervous system. This means that it works as an anxiolytic and a tranquilizer, and therefore it is a great home remedy for compulsive people.

Chirimoya contains an alkaloid that regulates the secretion of chemicals that cause depression.

5. It protects against osteoporosis

This fruit contains high levels of minerals which function as adjuvants in the recovery processes of multiple diseases:

  • Provides iron which helps recovery from anemia.
  • Rich in calcium, which is ideal for people who suffer from decalcification or osteoporosis.
  • It is also rich in phosphorus and therefore helps to strengthen memory.

6. It is ideal during pregnancy

Pregnant woman

Eating chirimoya is an excellent idea during pregnancy because, in addition to being delicious, it provides a high nutritional value.

It contains nutrients that help the baby’s development, such as:

  • Essential fats
  • Fibers
  • Carbohydrates
  • The proteins
  • The minerals
  • Vitamins

Chirimoya helps the fetus’ brain develop, its nerves and even its immune system.

Regular consumption of this fruit reduces the risk of miscarriage and helps alleviate nausea in early pregnancy.

In addition, it improves mood swings and sudden urges to eat.

7. It regulates digestion

In addition to being an easy to digest fruit, chirimoya is ideal for people who:

  • Feel fragile
  • Spent several days in the hospital
  • Whose stomachs do not digest certain foods
  • Have dyspepsia

Its low fat content and high fiber content help eliminate bad cholesterol (LDL) and absorb bile acids. 

This is useful in people who suffer from gallbladder disorders.

In addition, it is an excellent natural laxative, because the fibers also regulate intestinal transit and bacterial flora.

8. It is antioxidant

Chirimoyas are excellent sources of antioxidants, vitamin C, and polyphenol compounds.

They fight against oxidation related to diseases such as cancer, premature aging, atherosclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases.

9. It is an excellent food for small children.

Pediatricians recommend adding chiromoya to children’s purees or juices thanks to its high nutritional content, which contributes to their proper development.

It is also ideal in the treatment of chronic congenital diseases.

Parts of chirimoya that we use and their benefits

  • Skin: If cooked, it works as a home treatment for chronic colitis.
  • The seeds: They are used in treatments for dandruff and as antiemetics.
  • The roots: Their infusion serves as a strong purgative.
  • The leaves: Used as a tea, they help calm spasms and cramps. It is also a home remedy to fight against anemia, colitis and malnutrition.
  • Ripe fruit: You can eat it in pieces or prepare it as a puree. It helps in the treatment of malnutrition, anemia or general weakness.

Chirimoya is an incredible fruit that has been used for therapeutic purposes since ancient times.

It is an excellent food for athletes thanks to its action on the functioning of the macular system and because it stimulates the absorption of nutrients.

Remember, however, not to consume too much. Despite its countless properties, it is also high in sugar, and it is best to ingest one serving per day.

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