4 Reasons Not To Continue Together

Sometimes the worst thing we can do, both for our mental health and that of our partner, is to stay together. Let life take its course.

In some couples,  sometimes it comes time to decide whether you want to continue together or not. When this situation arises, the answer is clear: no.

However, because of the affection we have for our spouse, all the difficulties that we have overcome together, we begin to justify things that should not be forgiven.

This is where we are wrong. Sometimes it’s fear; other times it’s lazy to start a new relationship.

Even so, if any of these reasons for sticking together have come through your mind, now is the time to end up with something healthier.

1. We failed

Does a person like failure? In truth no one, and even less when it comes to a couple relationship. Failure in this case is unforgivable .

This thought is one of the reasons not to continue together. When it arises, it manifests fear of social disapproval.

We even come to feel guilty because we think this failure is our fault. Maybe we didn’t give everything we could, maybe we didn’t love as much as the other …

Justifications and more justifications that do not let you make the decision to end a relationship that already has no reason to exist.

It is not a failure. This is a completely normal situation. With the cohabitation and the years, everything ends up wearing us down and, sometimes, this causes that we do not want to continue on the same path.

Stop being afraid of what will be said . What really matters is how you feel. Don’t go on with someone because you feel guilty that the relationship wasn’t a success.

2. We must think of children

continue together

Yes you have to think about children, but not the way you do. As a couple, you are wrong in the way you deal with this negative situation.

To continue together for the children is a big mistake. Talks won’t improve anything, the relationship will deteriorate even more and, in the end, everything will explode.

Your children will have to struggle with an unpleasant environment. They will not be comfortable and will witness negative attitudes that will not benefit them.

We believe that the little ones need a united family, the fruit of a couple who love each other and who continue together.

However, this is a misconception. Children need their parents to give them love and to be as happy as possible so that they can pass this on to them.

In addition, this way you will not force them to grow up in an uncomfortable climate.

Because we force ourselves to be with someone we don’t want, just by telling ourselves that it is better for our children.

3. I’m afraid of being alone

Many people develop an emotional addiction, especially if they have spent a lot of time with someone and have never been truly alone.

This can be a problem when the person is considering whether the couple should continue or not. One of the people in the couple will be afraid and upset about the separation.

This fear of loneliness can be heightened if we are already old. For example, the older we are, the lower we believe the chances of meeting someone will be.

Since the society in which we live is important, we opt to continue together despite everything. Simply so as not to end up broke .

The result is, without a doubt, catastrophic. We will turn off and become sad people because we get attached to a situation and fear overshadows us.

It is not easy to get out of this situation. But the effort is worth it.

Being alone is an adventure, because you will find out who you really want to be with.

When you see it that way and accept it, you will no longer be afraid. You will always be accompanied by yourself.

4. I will never see my friends againcontinue together

It is natural that in long-standing couples, friendships are divided. It doesn’t suppose a big problem until we talk about separation.

Continuing together may be the best option to avoid losses. Sometimes not just friends, but also in-laws or brothers-in-law who have become our best friends.

It is true that you will need some time to get back to them. However, this does not imply that you are going to lose them.

You have to go through this much-needed moment of mourning that will help you put things in order.

In addition, you and your spouse may become best friends. So in this case, your fear is unfounded.

If you are wondering if you are going to continue together or not, be careful not to get carried away by all these reasons, which will only put you in a situation that you do not want to find yourself in.

Think about yourself, what makes you feel good. Don’t worry about what can happen. If you feel good, everything will flow.

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