8 Simple Tips Against Frizzy Hair

Thanks to the aloe vera coconut mask, we hydrate our hair, and we make it softer and shinier. Rinse your hair with cold water to seal the cuticles.

There are many factors that can cause frizzy and dry hair. Whether it is certain chemicals such as dye, or heating devices such as hair dryers or hair straighteners.

What is certain is that dry hair also tends to suffer from frizz, the effects of which increase in humid weather. We present in this article some tips to do at home to get rid of your frizzy hair.

Why is the hair frizzy?

Frizzy hair is usually synonymous with dryness. That is to say a deficit of water and natural oils. The outer layer of the hair cuticle then becomes porous, making the hair more vulnerable to humid air.

This is also why people living in places with a humid climate (or in summer) are more likely to suffer from this problem.

But since you can’t blame it all on the weather or the rain, it is always interesting to know how to overcome this problem.

Home treatments are an excellent option to maintain the good health of our hair, without being addictive, or even using chemicals.

Not to mention that they are also more economical and obtain longer term results (although sometimes their effects take longer to be seen in comparison with similar products bought on the market).

Frizzy hair

8 natural remedies for frizzy hair

  • Apple cider vinegar : it is used to smooth and flatten the cuticles of the hair. You only have to apply a little apple cider vinegar to clean hair and style it with a wide tooth comb. Finally, use your usual skin care cream. Also, when you rinse off your shampoo use very cool water, as cool as you can tolerate it. This will close the cuticles, making your hair smoother and shinier.
  • Olive oil and an egg : in a bowl, mix a quarter of a cup of olive oil with an egg. Apply to your hair, and leave on for 30 minutes. Finally, wash off with a moisturizing shampoo, then use your usual skin care cream. Olive oil is an excellent emollient thus helping to preserve the hydration of your hair. As for the egg, its high content of L – cysteine, a natural amino acid, helps rebuild cells and tissues.
  • Honey  : This rinse water is to be done after shampooing. To do this, mix a spoon of honey in 1 liter of water. Then rinse off on washed hair. Finally, use your usual skin care cream. Honey is a natural moisturizer that attracts and retains water molecules that hydrate the hair.

But also…

  • Chamomile : mix a spoonful of chamomile flowers in two cups of boiling water and let stand for an hour. Add a quarter of a spoon of apple cider vinegar. Wash your hair with your usual shampoo then rinse with the infusion which should be cold or lukewarm. Use your usual skin care cream.
  • Mayonnaise : this hair mask is used once a week and helps reduce hair dryness while nourishing the scalp. In addition, mayonnaise will provide you with protein, making your hair look healthier. To make this mask, mix a quarter cup of mayonnaise with an egg. Apply to the hair and leave on for half an hour. Wash your hair with your regular shampoo and hot water. Finally, use a conditioner and rinse with cold water.
  • Avocado and banana : mash, and mix well, a banana with the pulp of an avocado, then apply this mixture to your hair. The banana will provide you with a large amount of antioxidants and minerals which will bring health to your hair. As for avocado, its fatty acids will nourish your hair.
  • Aloe vera and coconut : wash two aloe vera leaves, open them and extract the pulp. Then, in a bowl mix this pulp with three tablespoons of coconut oil (you can also use olive oil). Apply this mixture to your hair and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of water, then use your usual hair products. These two ingredients will hydrate your hair, giving it softness and shine.

Frizzy hair

  • Bananas, oil, and honey : wet your hair in lukewarm water and wrap it in a towel. Meanwhile, mash two ripe bananas and add a spoonful of honey and five drops of almond or olive oil. Mix to obtain a homogeneous preparation, then apply to your hair. Cover them with a shower cap and let sit for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse your hair well and wash it as usual.

Some tips to avoid frizzy hair

  • Lift your hair up into a ponytail : wash your hair as usual and use a generous amount of coconut or castor oil-based conditioner. Rinse off with cold water and style your hair with a wide-tooth comb. Use a ribbon or tie to pull your hair up into a ponytail, but never a rubber band that will tighten the hair fiber. Once the hair is dry let it go.
  • Use a natural boar bristle brush or a wide tooth comb to style your hair.  Plastic combs and brushes tend to generate static electricity.
  • Use an anti-frizz mask after washing your hair and before drying it. Although most of the time these masks do not need to be rinsed off, do not leave them on for too long, as this will on the contrary contribute to the formation of frizzy hair.
  • Use products for dry hair, whether choosing your shampoo or conditioner. Likewise, avoid tinctures.
  • Avoid using the hair dryer or straightener as the high temperatures burn, damage and dry out the hair fiber.
  • Avoid touching your hair all the time. Likewise, you should only brush them when damp or wet.
  • Do not rub your hair with a towel to dry it, it will break the cuticles.

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