8 Little-Known Benefits Of Olive Oil

In addition to promoting the absorption of minerals to maintain bone density, olive oil also regulates blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Olive oil is one of the most famous and used foods in the world kitchen. Its mild taste and the fact that it is considered the healthiest means that millions of people enjoy the benefits of olive oil.

It comes from the fruit of the olive, thanks to a natural process which takes care of preserving all the properties and the nutrients.

Of all its varieties, the most recommended is the extra virgin, because it is the purest and it is of excellent quality.

From a nutritional point of view, it is a significant source of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E, vitamins K and other antioxidant substances that provide incredible virtues.

In addition, its pleasant taste facilitates its raw consumption because, even if it can be cooked, high temperatures can adversely affect its qualities.

There are many reasons why we should all be consuming it regularly. In this article, we are going to introduce you to the greatest health benefits of olive oil. Discover them!

The benefits of olive oil for cardiovascular health

Daily ingestion of a small amount of extra olive oil has turned into an ideal habit for preventing cardiovascular disease.

In view of its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, olive oil has the ability to increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) while decreasing the presence of bad cholesterol (LDL).

You should also know that its vitamin E intake has an antioxidant effect. It protects the body against the negative effects of the oxidation of cholesterol, which can clog the arteries.

In short, it is an ideal food for maintaining heart and circulatory system health.

It is good for the liver and gallbladder

This healthy fat variety is a great addition to liver and gallbladder detoxification diets.

  • If you consume it every day, you can decrease the risk of fatty liver. And other disorders that affect its proper functioning.
  • Its anti-inflammatory compounds and its ability to increase good cholesterol help maintain a balance in the functions of this vital organ.

This quality is even more powerful when consumed raw on an empty stomach, mixed with a little lemon juice.

It improves digestive health

Since it is a type of fat that is easily digested, this oil is also good for maintaining the entire health of the digestive system.

  • Its high content of essential nutrients and its slight laxative effect is effective against common discomforts. Like inflammation, stomach acidity and constipation.
  • Its ingestion improves the absorption of nutrients in the intestine, and moreover, stimulates its purification.

It is on the list of foods with alkaline qualities. Ideal for regulating body pH and stomach fluids.

Benefits of olive oil for diabetes risk

One of the reasons why this source of fat should not be missing from the diet (especially the Mediterranean diet) is because it minimizes the risk of suffering from diabetes.

Everything indicates that its nutrients improve insulin resistance and also promote the regulation of blood sugar levels.

It reduces inflammation

Its omega-3 fatty acids, oleic acid and oleocanthal have a powerful anti-inflammatory action that reduces symptoms of diseases that affect muscles and joints.

In fact, its calming effects have been compared to the effects of ibuprofen.

It prevents cerebral hemorrhages

Since it is so healthy for the cardiovascular system and for the blood circulation, olive oil also lowers the risk of brain hemorrhages.

This is due to the fact that it prevents the formation of clots and prevents bleeding.

It is antibacterial

Consuming raw olive oil helps eliminate infections caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. It is a pathogen that is present in the stomach and whose activation leads to stomach ulcers, stomach pain and infections.

Benefits of olive oil to prevent osteoporosis

Olive oil should also be considered an ally of women’s health during menopause. Or when there is a risk of suffering from osteoporosis.

  • It improves the absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc. Three essential minerals that maintain bone density. 
  • It also promotes the good absorption of fat-soluble micronutrients such as vitamins A and D.

As you have just discovered, olive oil is one of the most amazing foods that nature has to offer. It is enough to consume a little of it every day. Whether in salads, soups, smoothies or other recipes, to take advantage of its virtues.

Of course, you can eat it raw, but avoid going over three tablespoons per day.

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