8 Exercises To Strengthen The Lower Back

When it comes to strengthening the lower back, we should adjust the exercises to our abilities and not strain too much as it could be counterproductive. We will increase the intensity as the days go by.

Many people experience low back pain at some point in their life, either because they have spent many hours in one position or because they lead a sedentary lifestyle. In some cases, the discomfort may be occasional, but there are other cases where various methods must be used to obtain relief.

Below are some exercises to strengthen the lower back and avoid the discomfort that they cause after spending many hours in the same position, etc.

8 fundamental exercises to strengthen the lower back

It is essential to repeat the routine at least 3 times a week so that the area becomes stronger and lower back injuries are avoided. These are simple exercises that can be done at home and do not require any special equipment or items.

1. Speaker’s position

Positions to strengthen the lower back.

This position is well known in yoga and is used to stretch the entire back. You need a carpet or a soft surface.

  • Get on your knees and extend your hands as far as possible.
  • Keep your head up and slowly curl your back back so that your butt comes to sit on your heels. The belly touches the knees.
  • Stay in this position for 10 seconds and return to your original position.
  • Repeat 8 times in total.

2. Back elevation

Another exercise that can help strengthen your lower back is very simple.

  • Lie face down on a mat or bed with your legs extended. The arms can be at the side of the body or resting on the buttocks.
  • Gently raise your back and head to “lift” the torso off the floor. The back of the neck should be aligned with the spine.
  • Hold for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Do 10 repetitions.

3. Position of the cross

  • Lie face up on a comfortable surface.
  • Straighten your legs and place your arms in a “cross” shape (stretched to shoulder height).
  • With your back still glued to the floor, bend your knees and move them to the right until they touch the floor.
  • Hold for about 10 seconds and repeat on the other side. Return to the starting position.
  • Perform 5 repetitions on each side.

4. Knees on the chest

woman holding her knees
Bringing his knees closer to his chest allows for a simple stretch that helps reduce lower back pain.

This lumbar strengthening exercise begins the same way as the previous one, lying on the floor face up.

  • In this case, the arms are used to take the legs, which will flex so that the knees touch the chest.
  • Apply gentle pressure with your hands.
  • If you can, move the pelvis to the sides to massage the tailbone area.
  • Otherwise, hold the position for a few seconds before stretching your legs and starting over.
  • Do 10 repetitions.

5. Position of the sphinx or snake for the lumbar region

With this exercise, you can stretch the entire back area, including the lower back.

  • Lie down on a mat with your legs straight.
  • Keep the palms of the hands on the floor shoulder-width apart and stretch the arms to lift the torso off the floor.
  • Keep your head back and stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • Then bend your elbows to rest.
  • Repeat 10 times.

6. Cat position

female cat pose
The cat pose helps reduce strain on the spine. However, it promotes the prevention and relief of back pain.

This position is used a lot in yoga, because it allows to stretch the back and the waist well.

  • Rest your knees and palms on the floor or mat. Keep your head aligned with the spine.
  • Tilt your back and bring your head back.
  • After a few seconds, return to the starting position.
  • Then do the reverse movement, i.e. bend your back (it will stay like an arch or a bridge) and look down.
  • This ends a rehearsal. Make 9 more.

7. Elevation of the pelvis for the lower back

Although it may surprise us, this exercise is used to strengthen the lower back while working the abdominals.

  • Place yourself face up on the mat.
  • Leave your arms at the sides of the body with the palms resting on the floor.
  • Bend your knees and keep the soles of your feet on the floor.
  • Slowly lift the pelvis to fully raise the back of the mat.
  • The idea is that the shoulders and head (like the arms and feet) remain supported all the time.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds then descend.
  • Perform 10 repetitions in total.

8. Isometric lumbar exercise

Some call him “Superman”, because of the position of the body. Although it is not very intense, it is recommended to leave it for the end of the exercises (that is, when the back has already worked).

  • Lie face down on the mat with your legs stretched out.
  • Place your arms in front of your head (shoulders touch your ears).
  • Gently lift your arms and legs off the floor. The head is placed a little back, to accompany the movement.
  • Stay in this position for as long as you can.
  • Return to the original position and start again.
  • In total, perform 10 repetitions.

Low back pain can be relieved by certain exercises

Low back pain is one of the most common back pain in adults. This is muscle tension that appears when the area is not well developed.

It can be relieved with gentle exercise and stretching, but remember that if the pain persists and the associated discomfort worsens over time, see your doctor for evaluation. In some cases, physical therapy may be necessary.

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