7 Unsuspected Benefits Of Mango: How Can You Resist?

Did you know that for its richness in vitamin K, among others, mango is the ideal fruit to strengthen our bones? Vitamin K stimulates the absorption of calcium.

Few flavors are as exciting, energetic and mouth-watering as mango.

Soft in texture and attractive in color, Mangifera indica is a fruit of tropical origin that has arrived in almost every corner of the world.

Although there are many varieties of mangoes, they all have one thing in common: plump flesh, a large central core and endless health benefits.

This ingredient can be included in our smoothies, in our desserts and in our salads. We are facing one of the most consumed and healthiest foods in the world.

In this article, we’ll give you 7 good reasons to eat mango every day. So, motivated?

1. Reduce hypertension with half a mango a day

Mango against hypotension.

Half a mango a day takes care of your health. Why not try ? Mangoes are rich in potassium and magnesium, two minerals very suitable for balancing blood pressure.

In addition, vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamin B6, A, C, K and folic acid improve heart rate and the proper transport of nutrients and oxygen to our entire body.

Do not hesitate to have a varied and balanced diet to effectively regulate your hypertension.

2. Mango prevents macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a very common eye disorder as we age. We lose visual acuity and it is much more difficult for us to focus to see small details.

Mango contains zeaxanthin, a type of antioxidant that protects the eyes from sunlight and eye diseases associated with age.

Remember to have a good bowl of a variety of fruits every day and your general and visual health will thank you for it.

3. It improves your digestion

Mango for digestion.

If you suffer from indigestion and acidity, mangoes can be a daily relief. They contain digestive enzymes which promote the absorption of food and good intestinal transit.

In this way, the mango is very rich in bioactive ingredients like esters, terpenes and aldehydes which help to improve the function of the digestive system.

4. They are recommended when we have anemia.

Suffering from iron deficiency anemia is very common in women, and a heavy period is often the cause.

  • If this is your case, take note of this great tip: consume mangoes regularly and you will increase the number of red blood cells in your body.
  • In addition, its high content of vitamin C also helps us stabilize iron levels.
  • On the other hand, nutritionists often recommend that pregnant women consume mangoes.

They cover some of the iron that is needed during pregnancy, and in turn, provide the folic acid necessary for the development of the fetus throughout gestation.

5. It improves your bone health

Mango for the bones.

Vitamin K is that nutrient that we pay little attention to. However, it is necessary because it takes care of the resistance of our bones, while promoting the circulation of blood.

  • If we have a vitamin K deficiency, the risk of possible bone fractures (such as hip fractures) increases.
  • We can cope with this problem with the consumption of one mango per day, because it is very rich in vitamin K, which is essential to promote the absorption of calcium.

6. She takes care of your brain health

Mangoes contain abundant amounts of vitamin B6. This nutrient is vital for maintaining and improving brain function.

  • Its action is very concrete: it promotes the connection between neurons and in turn improves our sleep.
  • In addition, vitamin B6 improves our memory, concentration and strengthens good blood circulation to the brain.

7. Mangoes strengthen our defenses

Mango for the tusks.

Mangoes and carrots have a lot in common. They are both rich in beta-carotenes, a powerful antioxidant (this is where their orange or yellow color comes from).

  • Beta-carotenes are an excellent ally for our immune system.
  • They help us protect us from the bacteria and toxins that surround us on a daily basis.
  • In addition, regularly drinking a mango and carrot smoothie gives us a fabulous amount of vitamin A.
  • This is another type of antioxidant that protects us against free radicals that can damage our tissues and accelerate premature aging.

To conclude: Mangoes are a great food option that should be added to our diet.

They are delicious and bring us well-being and satiety. Finally, they improve our quality of life and take care of our health.

How to resist it?

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