7 Situations In Which You Should Not Exercise

Find out when you should not exercise.

We may think that we have no reason to interrupt our daily training because of a simple cold. However, sometimes it is a good idea not to exercise so that our body can recover better.

Exercise is one of the best habits we can practice to take care of our physical and mental health.

It is very easy to include it in your daily life. It does not require much time and its benefits are so numerous that it is incomparable with other activities.

Indeed, it is one of the most effective ways to increase energy expenditure to balance weight. But also to prevent different types of diseases.

In addition, it has positive effects on cognitive functions, physical resistance and other aspects that improve daily productivity.

However, although we recommend its daily practice, in certain situations it is better to avoid it so as not to suffer from adverse reactions.

Many do not know what these moments are. We reveal to you below in detail the 7 main times when it is better not to exercise.

Discover them!

  1. Have an infection with a fever

Infections with fever, pain and general malaise are the immune system’s response to the uncontrolled activity of certain viruses and bacteria.

In this kind of situation the physical strength decreases and, although it can present itself in different ways in each case, it is not at all advisable to exercise.

This activity transiently inhibits the function of defense mechanisms and involves excess energy expenditure.

Also, physical activity can expend the energy your body needs to fight infection.

2. Don’t exercise after getting a little sleep

Sleeping less than five hours is a habit that has serious physical and mental consequences on the body.

Although many of its effects do not manifest immediately, complications and illnesses can develop over time.

In turn and suddenly, the immune system weakens as well as the physical forces. That is why it is not appropriate to overload the body with practicing a workout routine.

A bad night not only decreases performance during exercise, but also increases fatigue, imbalance and poor coordination.

3. Have an injury or injury

not exercising when you have pain in your knees

Muscle, joint and bone injuries require strict care to be treated, as any mistake can cause serious complications.

While many experts advise certain low impact exercises to supplement recovery, it is best to rest for a few days.

This is because movement of injured tissue prevents scarring and healing, which prolongs the injury or worse, makes it worse.

It is essential to always take this into account, especially when faced with:

  • Fractures.
  • Tendinitis.
  • Sprains.
  • Bruises.
  • Open wounds.

4. Suffer from gastroenteritis

Disorders of the digestive system affect performance during exercise and, although many do not relate, they can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and other bothersome symptoms.

Some people think that these disorders are not a reason to put aside their training.

However, it is important to give your body time to rest for its recovery, as excess movement and loss of fluids can worsen the condition.

5. Do not exercise when you have a chronic illness

heart disease

Those with chronic illnesses such as cancer, severe hypertension, or diabetes need to be extra careful when engaging in physical activity.

These pathologies alter the functioning of the most important organs of the body while involving a greater expenditure of energy.

For this reason, it is important to do without exercise, at least until the diagnosis is confirmed and treatment is received to stabilize the symptoms of the disease.

Once controlled, low impact training is beneficial in dealing with it.

6. Don’t exercise during a flu or a cold

Certain yoga poses can be beneficial in controlling various flu and cold symptoms.

However, high-impact activities, such as cardiovascular exercise, can make symptoms worse, even if done gently.

Sweating, loss of fluids and cold lowers the immune response and leaves the body prone to virus attacks.

7. Have done physical exercises

It is not always necessary to go to a gym to activate and exercise the body.

Sometimes we do some activities that, without our realizing it, work our muscles.

Lift heavy boxes, move furniture. Or even doing the housework can involve some physical exertion that we must take into account.

Exercising more after this type of activity increases the risk of muscle damage and fatigue.

In conclusion, physical exercise is a very beneficial practice for our health. However, it is essential to know in which situations to avoid it.

If the effects are almost always positive, sometimes our body is not in the conditions to support it.

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