7 Simple Exercises For The Abdominal Area

If you are not used to doing physical activity, we recommend that you start little by little, gradually increasing the intensity of your exercises and their frequency , in order to avoid possible injuries.

A poor diet and an overly sedentary life are the two main enemies of the abdominal area. If you do not pay attention to these two parameters, it will be impossible for you to have a slim figure and get rid of your unsightly little bulges on the abdominal area.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go to the gym or go on a drastic diet every day to get good results.

Adopt a balanced diet plan and do some little home exercises. And you will be able to gradually reshape this area of ​​your body to get the look you want.

In this article, we are going to share with you 7 exercises that you can integrate into your sports routine to work more specifically on your abdominal area.

Keep in mind that you will only achieve your goals if you work the three parts that make it up: the top part, the bottom part and the side parts.

1. Sheathing exercise

With this sheathing position, called the plank, you will be able to work all the muscle groups in your body, including your abdominals.

It is a physical resistance exercise that will test your balance, concentration and strength.

How to achieve it?

  • Lie on your stomach on a small yoga mat, then lean on your forearms and the balls of your feet.
  • Your hips should be slightly raised, your back straight, and your neck relaxed.
  • Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds, then rest.
  • Do 3 sets of this exercise.

2. The  abdominal curl

The abdominal curl is a very easy way to do the classic abdominals.  Because it allows you to work the muscles of the abdominal area without straining the legs.

How to achieve it?

  • Lie down only on a bench or raised surface with your hands behind your neck.
  • Keep your legs firmly pressed to the floor and lift your upper torso, while contracting your abs.
  • Slowly return to your starting position, and do 12 reps in total.
  • Do at least 3 sets of exercises per session.

3. Inflections

7 simple exercises for the abdominal area: curls

Leg curl exercises require more resistance than the previous exercise, but they are very effective in slimming the stomach and thighs.

We recommend that you perform them on a chair or elevated object, so that all of your strength is exerting pressure only on the lower part of your abdomen.

How to achieve them?

  • Sit on the edge of a chair or bench, tilting your back back and straightening your legs.
  • Next, begin to bend your knees, bringing your thighs closer to your abdomen.
  • Keep your thighs tight throughout the exercise, and try to do 8-10 repetitions.
  • Complete 3 sets of this exercise.

4. Leg elevation

There are many ways to perform leg raises to build muscle during your daily exercise routine.

However, for this program, we offer you a special one that will allow you to strengthen your thighs, but also your buttocks and the abdominal area.

How to achieve it?

  • Lie on a small mattress, with both arms at your sides, the palms of your hands resting on the floor.
  • Stretch your legs well and elevate them without bending your knees.
  • Try to raise them as much as possible, then lower them quietly.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions of this exercise.

5. The lateral abdominals

Side abdominals are exercises that can help tone your stomach and reduce the fat accumulated in the abdominal area.

Doing it frequently will allow you to shape your figure and strengthen all the muscles in that area of ​​your body.

How to achieve them?

  • Lie down on a small yoga mat, with your hands on your neck and legs outstretched.
  • Bend the right knee and raise it sideways, until it touches your left elbow.
  • Return to the starting position, then perform the same exercise with your left leg.
  • Keep your abdominals tight throughout the exercise. Do 15 repetitions of this exercise for each side.

6. Abdominal stretches

Stretching your body by touching the tips of your toes with your hands forces your stomach to contract, making it easy for you to shape your waist.

Instead of doing it in the traditional way, we suggest you do it lying down to increase its intensity.

How to achieve them?

  • Lie on your back, stretch your legs so that they form a right angle with your core, then extend your arms in the same way, so that your shoulders are slightly off the ground.
  • Now try to touch the tips of your toes with your fingers, keeping your abdominals tight.
  • Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then rest.
  • Do 3 repetitions of this exercise.

7. The lateral ones with dumbbells

To complete this homemade exercise routine, we suggest that you take a dumbbell in each of your hands, and perform these exercises called lateral or oblique.

How to achieve them?

  • Stand up, with your feet slightly apart and your back straight. Take a dumbbell in each of your hands and keep your arms at your sides.
  • Lean your torso, leaning to the right, so that your upper part is lowered as much as possible without bending your knees.
  • Return to the starting position, then repeat the flexion to the left side.

You can do these activities in any room of your house and they will take very little time.

Try to do them every day, while pairing them with a good diet. You should be enjoying a flatter stomach in no time.

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