7 Fruits To Firm The Skin

Fruits can tone and firm your skin, but also fight flaccidity.

Fruits help firm the skin. This statement may surprise you, because we are all used to buying overpriced creams. As well as spending a lot of money for beauty treatments that promise us to find a slimmer and firmer silhouette.

Still, you can’t just eat fruit while waiting to regain your dream skin.

It is absolutely necessary to follow a balanced diet. In which you must focus on foods that provide you with collagen and the nutrients necessary for the maintenance of healthy skin.

To combat flaccidity, any help is welcome, and you can still continue to use your creams. However, to multiply their effects, it is necessary that you consume the right foods.

In this article, we are going to introduce you to the foods that will become your skin’s best allies on a daily basis.

1. The power of orange vitamin C

Orange is obviously the best fruit rich in vitamin C to firm your skin!

For example, you can consume this citrus fruit in the morning, with your glass of lemon water, to purify all toxins from your body, and get a good intake of vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamin C found in oranges and lemons is the ultimate anti-aging ingredient.

Thanks to it, you will be able to better absorb the iron and calcium present in your food. Its only problem is that it is water soluble, that is, it dissolves in water.

We therefore lose it through urine, and we need to consume it constantly.  

In addition, vitamin C is a formidable antioxidant capable of taking care of the DNA of your cells, and of protecting you against the devastating effects of free radicals, which are responsible for skin wrinkles, premature aging, and skin loss. poor synthesis of collagen.

How can you benefit from the benefits of orange?

1. Eat an orange with honey

Start your day by drinking a glass of lukewarm lemon water, then continue your purification by eating, during your breakfast, an organic orange cut into pieces, with a little honey.

2. Toning remedy based on orange peel


  • The skin of 3 oranges
  • 1 liter of water

This tonic is wonderful for firming your skin. But, how should you prepare it? It is very simple !


  • Peel three oranges, and keep their skin.
  • Put them to boil in a liter of water, and wait for the decoction to take place for about twenty minutes.
  • Once this period of time has elapsed, turn off the heat and let stand for an hour.
  • Then, filter the contents, and place the water obtained in a glass bottle, which you will keep in the refrigerator.

Method of application

  • You will then need to apply this fresh orange water to your face, three times a day, using a cotton ball.
  • This water will help you cleanse, tone and firm your skin.
  • Leave it on all day, there is absolutely no need to rinse yourself off.

You can use it on your face, but also on any other part of your body that you want to firm up, such as the thighs or stomach for example.

2. Acetylsalicylic acid from grapes, cherries and avocados

7 fruits to firm the skin: Grapes

If you get used to consuming these fruits rich in acetylsalicylic acid regularly, you will improve the appearance of your skin, and its firmness, in a very short time.

You can consume them in their natural form, or you can make great homemade creams using them as the main ingredient.  

But, which fruits are the richest in acetylsalicylic acid?

Take careful note, and don’t hesitate to add them to your daily diet:

  • The lawyers
  • Red grapes (the more tannins they have, the more antioxidants they contain for our skin)
  • The cherries
  • Mandarins

How can you enjoy the benefits of these fruits rich in acetylsalicylic acid?

7 fruits to firm the skin: avocado

  • Eat red grapes for breakfast, always remembering to eat them with their skin on, as this is the part of these fruits that contains the most benefits.
  • Eat cherries whenever you can, but make sure it’s the season. 10 a day should be more than enough for you.
    Consume them after your lunch for example. In addition to firming your skin, they will help you fight against arthritis pain.
  • Mandarin juice is ideal for a quick afternoon break. Choose it natural and very fresh.
  • Avocado is wonderful for our skin. But because of its high caloric content, it is not advisable to consume more than half a day. You can also prepare avocado face masks to firm your skin.

3. Strawberries and watermelons to strengthen collagen

7 fruits to firm the skin: watermelon

Collagen is a protein that is only found in animal products. However, there are many foods that can help us produce it naturally, and stimulate its synthesis.

You can eat beef or pork, fish, or a dessert with gelatin to ingest collagen.

You can also take advantage of two fruits that will allow you to give more firmness to your skin, thanks to their high content of antioxidants, water and vitamins:

  • The watermelon
  • The strawberry

How can you enjoy the health benefits of watermelon and strawberries?

  • As soon as the strawberry and watermelon season comes to the fore, do not hesitate to consume them in their natural form, or in the form of smoothies. These fruits act as regulators of collagen production, and will help you hydrate your skin well, thanks to their high water content.

Eat it as soon as you can!

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