7 Benefits Of Ginger You Didn’t Know

In addition to promoting nutrient absorption, ginger helps us prevent constipation and aid digestion. The latter also helps relieve abdominal pain due to inflammation of the stomach.

Ginger is a root with a very special taste that we can use for the preparation of sauces, soups, marinades, main dishes and even for some desserts. The benefits of ginger are very numerous.

Beyond its culinary uses, ginger has become popular for decades around the world thanks to its many beneficial medicinal properties for our health.

Some people still do not know the virtues of a plant so economical and easy to find like ginger, and which represents an excellent ally for our health.

It is for this reason that we are going to share with you the 7 great benefits of ginger that you did not know.

Ginger improves blood circulation

Ginger contains magnesium and zinc, the key elements to improve blood circulation.

In addition, some of its properties inhibit the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the fold, thus avoiding many cardiovascular problems.

Among other things, ginger is also useful in lowering fever and excessive sweating problems.

It improves the absorption of nutrients

When we consume ginger, we guarantee better absorption of essential nutrients to our body, thanks to the stimulation of the secretion of our stomach and pancreatic enzymes.

Also, if we have appetite problems, we can chew a small amount of ginger before each meal to stimulate it.

It prevents the flu and colds

Ginger also has expectorant and antibiotic properties that could work effectively in cases of  flu or colds.

This root has been used for centuries in Asia as a powerful treatment for flu, colds and coughs.

The University of Maryland’s Department of Medicine has also confirmed this, and through its research, has determined that ginger tea can reduce flu and cold symptoms in adults.

It improves digestion

In addition to improving the absorption of nutrients in the body, ginger helps calm abdominal pain that is often produced with stomach inflammation.

It also prevents and avoids constipation, reduces intestinal gas and promotes better digestion.

Ginger could be anti-carcinogenic

Several studies have detected in ginger various very powerful anti-carcinogenic substances capable of inhibiting the development of cancer cells in the colon and prostate.

It strengthens the immune system

Regular consumption of ginger strengthens the immune system and keeps the body’s defenses strong against possible infections, flu, coughs or chronic illnesses.

It also reduces the risk of suffering from a brain hemorrhage and it is very useful in fighting intestinal bacterial infections.

It calms joint pain

Ginger has important anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and inflammation in the joints, as well as other joint pains.

How to use the benefits of ginger?

benefits of ginger

As we have already mentioned, ginger is used a lot for culinary purposes thanks to its pungent and aromatic taste.

We are now going to give you several ideas for enjoying all the benefits of ginger every day.

Ginger and herbal rice


  • Basmati rice
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • A teaspoon of powdered ginger
  • 1 chilli
  • Coriander leaves

How to prepare it?

Finely chop the garlic and chili, then cook the basmati rice for 20 minutes. When it’s ready, add the garlic, ground ginger, chopped chili and cilantro leaves.

Stir everything, and it’s ready!

Ginger juice to improve blood circulation


  • An apple in pieces.
  • 1 glass of natural orange juice (200 ml).
  • 1 small piece of ginger.

How to prepare it?

Put all the elements in the blender and mix until the mixture is well combined. You can  drink this fresh juice once a day.

Ginger tea to strengthen defenses and fight disease

Ginger tea is one of the best ways to harness all the benefits that this root offers us.

Usually, tea is brewed to combat flu symptoms.   and colds, as well as joint pain.

It is also recommended to avoid contracting certain diseases and to strengthen the immune system.


  • 1 fresh ginger root.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Bee honey.

How to prepare it?

Boil a cup of water in a teapot or saucepan, then chop the ginger into pieces or grate it finely.

Squeeze the lemon and mix its juice and grated ginger in a cup. Then, pour the boiling water over the ginger and lemon, and sweeten it all with the bee honey. Good tasting !

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