6 Tips That Will Help Keep Your Neck Skin Young And Smooth

Did you know that maintaining good posture can also help you take care of the skin on your neck and prevent premature wrinkle formation?

The skin of the neck requires as much care as the skin of the face. Often we worry about taking care of our face to avoid wrinkles and expression lines, but we forget about the skin on the neck.

However, it is proven that the skin on the neck is the first to begin to age.

This is because it is thinner skin with fewer sebaceous glands. As a result, it loses elasticity and firmness faster than the skin on the rest of the body.

With these simple tips that we bring you below, you can effectively combat the effects on the skin of the neck. This way you will be able to keep it young and smooth for a lot longer.

1. Constant hydration

moisturize the skin on your neck

It is important to moisturize the skin of the neck every day as well as the face.

It is not necessary to buy special products to perform this task: by applying moisturizer or the same face cream, you will have enough.

You can also hydrate it with natural products such as coconut, almond, olive or rosehip oil, among others.

  • The important thing is that you use them twice a day: in the morning, before getting dressed, and in the evening, before going to bed.
  • A few simple massages up and down until it is absorbed will suffice

2. Exfoliation

The skin of the neck requires regular exfoliation (maximum once a week). This way you can remove the dead cells that accumulate over time.

  • This exfoliation can be done with natural ingredients such as sugar, sea salt or baking soda.
  • By mixing any of these ingredients with natural oils, honey or yogurt, you will get a natural exfoliant, ideal for use on the skin of the neck.
  • Exfoliation should be done from chin height to the beginning of the chest. And the same in the back of the neck.
  • Then rinse thoroughly with cold water. This will achieve a deep cleansing of the skin.

3. Good postures

take good postures to take care of the skin on your neck

Believe it or not, poor posture can lead to faster deterioration of the skin on the neck.

In addition, poor posture leads to neck pain and headaches, and keeping the neck bent for long periods of time makes wrinkles that are difficult, if not impossible to remove, to appear.

Try to avoid holding your head for a long time while looking at your tablet or cell phone.

4. Balanced diet

Maintain a good diet with ingredients rich in omega 3 and 6, in particular. This will help your body to increase the production of collagen naturally.

In this way, you will promote tissue regeneration and elasticity.

Some studies claim that consuming foods rich in fatty acids helps the body to regenerate cell membranes efficiently.

Thus, ingesting ingredients such as flaxseed oil, avocado or cold water fish, especially at night, can have very good effects on the skin and hair.

5. Sun screen

Remember that you shouldn’t be applying sunscreen just to the face, but to all areas exposed to the sun.

This includes the skin of the neck, because we cannot forget that sun exposure accelerates premature aging.

6. Neck exercise routine

With a simple exercise routine that won’t take much time, you’ll help the skin on your neck stay younger and smoother for longer.

  • A very easy exercise to do and which will be of great help is to stand and  perform movements with the lower jaw forward and backward.
  • Another easy exercise is to sit with your back straight and place your head back with your neck straight. Then open your mouth and extend the lower lip as far as you can to reach the upper lip. Do it without touching the teeth and repeat this action several times.
  • You can also make movements with your mouth, as if you were saying the vowel O. Hold the posture, at least, for five seconds. Repeat the action several times.

It is recommended to perform this exercise routine several times a day for good results.

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