6 Internal Problems That The Pimples On The Face Tell Us

Depending on where the pimples appear, they can be a sign that we need to pay attention to certain habits, like our diet, or even learn to deal with stress.

Having blackheads can be a symptom of an internal health problem.

If you have this annoying problem, take note and try to find the possible causes. And it is possible that there is something else behind this problem.

Types of blackheads and pimplesbuttons

  • Whiteheads are whitish protuberances that cannot come out of the surface of the skin. When they get there, it’s because the pore has become clogged with excess sebum. The most recommended in these cases is to clean your skin daily to reduce their appearance.
  • Papules are a type of pinkish-colored, conical-shaped protuberance that does not contain pus.
  • In the same category are pustules, which are smaller and rounded and do not cause pain.
  • Beyond blackheads and pimples, we can also find nodules and cysts. In these cases we would be dealing with a type of acne that can end up being very painful, as it is deep inflammation of the skin and can last for weeks or months.
  • Finally, we find acne conglobata which usually appears in the back, on the buttocks, chest and shoulders. It can leave scars.
  1. Blackheads on the forehead and eyebrows

If we have blackheads on the forehead and eyebrows, it is possible that it means that we have a gastrointestinal problem.

In the event that blackheads appear on the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, this may indicate that the problem is related to the functioning of the liver.

Possible solution

  • To put an end to this annoying problem, it is essential to avoid fatty and fried foods.
  • It is also recommended to reduce alcohol consumption.

2. Black dots on the nose

Having blackheads on your nose is a sign that there are problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

We must not be afraid because in the vast majority of cases, it will be linked to stress.

Possible solution

If you find yourself in this situation it is essential to try to live a healthy lifestyle, to relax and to take more care of your sleeping hours.

3. Black dots on the ears

If these damn black dots appear on the ears we will need to take care of our liver health and urinary system. Because this area is linked to the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Possible solution

To prevent the blackhead problem from getting worse, it would be good to reduce the excessive intake of salt and coffee.

In addition, if you do not drink enough water, you will need to consume 2 liters daily.

4. Cheeks and cheekbonesbuttons

If we have black dots on the cheekbones and on the upper part of the cheeks we will have to be careful.

This area usually indicates problems related to the functioning of the lungs and bronchi, ie the respiratory system.

However, they can also be a symptom simply related to an allergy, or to dental problems if it is about the cheeks, which is why we should not be alarmed.

Possible solution

  • The best we can do to combat these blackheads is to observe our respiratory system and make sure that everything is okay.
  • It also won’t be useless to get some fresh air and avoid tobacco. So, in addition to not smoking, it would be good to move away from smokers so as not to become passive smokers.
  • Remember to have good oral hygiene and try to eat less sweets and sugary sodas.

5. Blackheads on the lips

If blackheads or acne appear on the area around the mouth, it is possible that we are suffering from a problem with digestion and, as a result, upset stomach and colic.

Possible solution

  • If we eat a lot of fast food, we should try to quit (or at least reduce it).
  • In addition, we will need to introduce foods rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetables into our diet.

Black dots on the chin

Blackheads on the chin are associated with problems with the ovaries and ultimately with the reproductive system.

Another reason is hormonal imbalances caused by menstruation.

When evaluating the importance of the problem we will have to take into account the quantity, as well as the frequency with which they appear.

Possible solution

  • We can apply a specific cream that helps us dry blackheads.
  • However, if this becomes a recurring problem, it is a good idea to go to a doctor.

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