6 Dried Fruits That Boost Your Energy

Daily consumption of dried fruits helps improve the immune response to viruses and common infections. It also strengthens the immune system with the aim of preventing various diseases.

The properties and nutritional value of dried fruits are  generally recognized and valued by nutrition professionals. These foods effectively provide long-lasting energy, they take up little space and contain many calories combined with fibers which delay their absorption and prolong the energetic action.

A healthy diet should contain dried fruits to improve nutrient intake. In this article, therefore, we introduce you to the types of dried fruits that increase your energy.

Dried fruits: what are they?

Varieties of dried fruits.

Dried fruits represent a very interesting source of energy for the body. They must nevertheless be consumed in such a way as to respect the daily dietary needs.

In addition,  they contain essential fatty acids  such as, for example, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid. The human body cannot produce them, so they must be administered as part of the daily diet. These healthy fats contribute significantly to their energy and anti-inflammatory power, according to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences .

Daily consumption of dried fruits  helps improve the immune response to viruses and common infections. They thus help to strengthen the immune system to prevent various diseases. In particular, seasonal pathologies that occur with sudden changes in climate.

Dried fruits that increase your energy

1. Almonds

They are a very nutritious Mediterranean food for athletes because of their  energy in the form of carbohydrates and healthy fats, as  well as vegetable proteins. A handful of about 30 grams provides 162 calories along with insoluble fiber, antioxidant vitamin E, and B vitamins involved in energy metabolism.

Almonds are also rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, and iron. They are therefore an extremely nutritious food. This is why the milk obtained from crushing almonds was once used to replace breast milk or for people with lactose intolerance.

2. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts in a bowl.

It is a malleable dry fruit that can be eaten in a number of ways and does not have an invasive taste. Hazelnuts contain folic acid which prevents neural tube defects (fetus-pregnancy).

Supplementation of this nutrient is essential during pregnancy, as well as increasing the intake of foods rich in folic acid. This is indeed reflected in a  publication in the journal Annales d’Endocrinologie .

In addition to providing great energy,  hazelnuts also stand out for their content of unsaturated fats and vitamin E.  They therefore help prevent and reduce tissue inflammation during workouts. They also provide iron, magnesium, manganese and fiber. It is thus a real refortifier.

3. Dried fruits that increase your energy: peanuts

These dried fruits are mainly rich in folic acid, protein and isoflavones. They come from a leguminous plant, and  their nutrient supply is also made up of omega 6 fats and fiber. It is therefore an excellent partner in the modulation of cholesterol. It is also a healthy food for the heart.

Peanuts can be eaten raw or as peanut butter. By spreading 30 grams of peanut butter on bread, you get about 10 grams of protein. In addition, this cream offers a significant caloric intake, calcium and iron. It is then recommended for breakfast.

4. Brazil nuts

This dry fruit  is distinguished by its significant mineral content. Mainly in selenium. Its consumption must therefore be controlled. Additionally, Brazil nuts are rich in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that positively helps reduce the negative effects of free radicals.

These are highly energetic and nutritious dried fruits  (excellent for athletes) which contain a lot of healthy fatty acids. A handful of Brazil nuts provides a significant amount of fiber and protein.

5. Nuts

The benefits of nuts.

In addition to providing energy,  one of the most important benefits is their collaboration in protecting the heart. Indeed, these are the dried fruits that contain the most Omega 3 fatty acids.

Even though nuts are fatty foods, most fats are polyunsaturated and therefore help improve cardiovascular parameters without affecting weight. This nutritional property is highlighted in an article published in the journal The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .

In addition, nuts have vitamins, proteins and fibers. They also help to lose weight thanks to their antioxidant and satiating properties. They also contain soluble fiber, essential for combating constipation. In addition, they help improve sleep as well as serotonin levels.

6. Dried fruits that increase your energy: pistachios

It is one of the richest dried fruits in iron, vitamin E and potassium (1000 grams / 100 grams). Pistachios provide 43% of the recommended daily amount of vegetable protein, which  stands out for their amino acid content, arginine, which stimulates immune function.

Regarding vitamins and minerals, pistachios are rich in vitamin B1, B6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and copper. On the other hand, their intake of oleic acid and other healthy fats helps  improve insulin sensitivity,  thus promoting the supply of glucose to cells.

Consume dried fruits regularly to increase your energy

Finally, you now know more about the main dried fruits that increase your energy. However, be aware that there are many others which, in addition to providing important energy, will help you  protect your cardiovascular system and regulate cholesterol levels.

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