5 Ways To Subtly Damage Your Emotional Health

Did you know that beyond external factors, one of the worst enemies of your emotional health is yourself? Stop putting off your dreams and start building your own happiness.

Your emotional health is a delicate sheet of glass that can shatter at the slightest alteration.

It doesn’t matter the appearances, the smiles or saying “I can do anything” or “of course everything is fine”. 

The strongest appearances actually contain complex inner worlds. The strongest tire of being so because inside, a sheet of glass is fragmented, into a thousand pieces.

The good news is that our emotional health can be repaired. If we listen to this delicate leaf every day, the sun will illuminate it to give us breath again in every difficult moment.

In this article, we are going to offer you the following: Make an emotional contract with yourself. Every good contract involves fulfilling a commitment.

Ours will be based on thinking more about yourself, listening to yourself, setting limits and nourishing the roots of self-esteem.

It is easy to put this into practice: all it takes is will and courage.

Likewise, it is vital to detect when our emotional health is impaired. We will explain everything to you.

1. Emotional health: fatigue which leads to discouragement and bad mood

There are many types of fatigue. Physical exhaustion is linked to a punctual effort that is maintained throughout the day.

We can also experience mental fatigue. Things as common as maintaining attention for a long time, achieving goals, or being in a demanding or demanding context are also exhausting.

In this case, and to evoke emotional health, there is also fatigue which has nothing to do with physical exertion.

  • The discomfort based on the misfortune that accumulates and does not confront each other. Sooner or later, we psychosomatize in the body.

illustration - woman with black crows above her head

  • Letting yourself be carried along by the wishes of others, without imposing or defending your own needs, is also exhausting.
  • Accumulating disappointments, sadness and not applying strategies of confrontation, causes exhaustion.

These are, without a doubt, indicators that we must take into account regarding our emotional health.

2. Say “yes” when we want to shout “no”

We all do . We mold ourselves to the opinions or wishes of others to fit together and harmonize with our daily contexts.

  • Doing it from time to time to socialize has consequences. The problem crystallizes when this behavior becomes the norm, to the point of having a life completely opposite to our desires
  • To assert yourself is not to act with selfishness or arrogance. Saying “yes” without fear and “no” without guilt is necessary for our emotional health. 

3. Emotional ties that you haven’t completely broken yet

There are times in our life when we see ourselves as happy and effective people in everything we do or plan. But, we feel a void, a thorn.

Facts as common as not having completely broken with your emotional past prevent us from moving forward.

  • Having unresolved problems with our family, bringing up emotional relationships from the past all the time instead of closing them, creates bonds of pain.
  • To take care of one’s emotional health, it is necessary to close the stages of life effectively. To be successful, first of all, you have to know how to forgive.
  • While forgiving is not easy, it is essential. Think that accumulating hatred, spite or resentment binds us even more to this past. We are prisoners of memory.

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4. Emotional health: living a reality that does not make us happy

It can be at work, where you are not valued, where you do not feel fulfilled. Maybe it’s in friendship, or with someone in your family. Or even with your spouse.

  • Every day you try to convince yourself that you don’t have to feel this way. Finally “nobody hurts you”, “everyone respects you”. Still, you are not happy and although you try hard, that feeling will only change if you really want to.
  • If this is how you feel at these times, try to analyze the situation. You cannot go against the grain when you are not feeling fulfilled. 

5. Your emotional health is affected if you are your own enemy.

Emotional health is not affected only by the way the people around us treat us.

Sometimes we sabotage ourselves, we harm ourselves through the following mechanisms:

  • When you don’t value yourself and compare yourself to others all the time.
  • When you sabotage yourself by postponing your dreams, when you say to yourself “I can’t”, “I don’t know” or “my train has already passed”.
  • We hurt ourselves when we only see problems that have no solution. When we see the end of the world instead of fostering new sunrises.
  • We attack our emotional health when we continue to fuel toxic relationships instead of being brave and saying goodbye.
  • You are your own enemy when you don’t love yourself the way you deserve, when you focus only on your mistakes and failures instead of trusting your abilities.

To conclude, remember what we told you at the beginning of this article: Make an emotional contract with yourself, to take care of your self-esteem each day and to build your own happiness.

It’s worth it ! 

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