5 Unexpected Heart Problems You Should Know About

If you have any of these symptoms, no need to be alarmed. But if you know several at the same time, it is better to consult a specialist for cardiac tests.

Heart problems don’t always appear with obvious symptoms. Moreover, in the case of women, it is even more complex. We often confuse them with fatigue or stress

We don’t mean to be obsessively on the lookout for every sign to the point of going to the doctor every week.

It is just a matter of knowing what is normal and what is not. So feeling tired every morning and suffering from minor anxieties is not good. This is why the best “weapon” is information and of course prevention.

Today in this article we invite you to find out what are the most unsuspected heart problems symptoms related to a heart problem. Do you take note?

Symptoms of heart problems that are uncommon, but you should be aware of

A few weeks ago, there was an article published in the Daily Mail about an interesting work done by a famous cardiologist from the University of Texas, USA.

John Erwin explained that today, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world.

Most importantly, many of these losses could have been avoided if we took a little more care of ourselves, and listened more to the symptoms.

Heart and heart problems

There are two things you need to know: you cannot prevent death from heart problems 100%. There are very young people in good physical condition who suffer from sudden death from heart attacks.

Not all of the symptoms we are going to tell you about here are linked to heart disease.

These are only indicators that should prompt us to go to the doctor for a diagnosis.

We invite you to discover these “singular” symptoms that we should all know, according to cardiologists.


Snoring is often linked to sleep apnea. It is a very common disorder that undoubtedly affects millions of people.

Does that mean that everyone who snores has heart problems? Absolutely not, but it is an important symptom.

  • Sleep apnea involves stopping breathing for a few seconds.
  • Suffering from this problem for a prolonged period generates physiological changes that increase the risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.
  • Experts say snoring can be a sign of an irregularity in the heartbeat, known as atrial fibrillation.
  • If you snore often at night, see your doctor for a general check-up and to rule out serious problems.

Gum problems

Can the gums tell us about a heart problem? You have to know, once again, that we are facing a possible symptom, but that it is not necessarily decisive.

  • Pain or bleeding in the gums may be a symptom of excess activity in the inflammatory pathways, which is linked to arteriosclerotic heart disease.

Neck or shoulder pain

We all have neck or shoulder pain from time to time, but it is advisable to have a medical check-up if the discomfort persists.

  • A heart attack tends to give clues a few months before with tension in the neck and back or pain in the shoulders.
  • If you also experience anxieties and feel very tired when you go up the stairs, talk to your doctor.

Prevention saves lives.

neck pain

Swollen feet and legs

Suffering from water retention is normal and arriving home with terribly swollen feet, too. This is all due to a poor diet or sedentary lifestyle.

If you suffer from other symptoms like chronic fatigue, tachycardia, or anxieties, don’t put off something as important as your health until tomorrow.

Make an appointment with your doctor to find out the origin of the swelling of the feet and legs.

Stomach ache

Another symptom you should be aware of is stomach pain. Dyspepsia is a very common disorder, but if you feel stinging, burning or constant discomfort in the upper part of the abdomen, it could be because of a heart attack.

According to Dr. Erwin, every day, multiple people arrive at the emergency room thinking they have had indigestion.

But, when other symptoms appear, such as continuous hiccups or excessive sweating, it is often the cause of a heart attack.

In the best cases, you can have a better outcome, but every day thousands of people die, and they don’t even know they have a heart problem.

In conclusion, we know that the characteristics that we have described to you are well known. The key therefore lies in “knowing how to listen to your body”. 

We need to know how to recognize what is normal and what is not, see a doctor quickly and remember, of course, the need to listen to ourselves better. It’s worth it.

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