5 Good Reasons To Eat More Tomatoes

Did you know that cooked tomatoes have even more beneficial properties for the body than raw tomatoes? Eat more tomatoes today!

It is often said that gastronomy could not survive without tomatoes. It is the component that gives body, taste and color to our dishes… What would we do without them?

As a dish, in a sauce, in a salad or as a juice, we love them and they are never absent from our refrigerators. Yet, many people avoid eating tomatoes because they cause acidity.

Today, we are going to explain all the benefits that tomatoes can bring to you.

1. Tomatoes help prevent heart problems

Three tomatoes

Tomatoes are part of a healthy diet. Usually, we are drawn to their intense red color. As with fruit, the more intense the coloring, the more antioxidants.

In the case of tomatoes, one of their healthiest elements is lycopene, a phytochemical that takes care of our heart health.

The Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment and phytochemical. It is a powerful antioxidant that takes care of our cells to protect them from free radicals. Lycopene releases electrons in the blood, which are taken up by free radicals, preventing molecules and cell membranes from being damaged.

You should also know that if you combine tomato with olive oil and cook it, lycopene increases. So, don’t hesitate to prepare delicious tomato sauces!

2. They regulate our tension

If your doctor has explained to you that your blood pressure is too high and that you need to be careful with your diet, increase your consumption of tomatoes in different forms today!

Lycopene and potassium promote good circulation and help us avoid the build-up of fluids. All of this regulates our blood pressure.

3. They protect us against different cancers

Of course, eating tomatoes does not completely prevent the possibility of developing cancer.

However, consuming tomatoes acts at the cellular level to nourish, defend and strengthen our tissues against the attack of free radicals.

Tomatoes are one of the foods richest in antioxidants. Thanks to lycopene and other elements such as glutathione, the tomato will take care of the DNA of our cells by preventing them from mutating, and that alterations at the cellular level take place.

4. They eliminate toxins from our body

How about a rye bread breakfast with a few cherry tomatoes, a cup of white tea and an apple?

It is a healthy and satisfying choice, which helps us to detoxify the body from harmful elements. All these foods rich in antioxidants act as purifiers, able to filter the substances that our body needs.

Lemon, for example, is one of the best natural cleansers. After this, we can also cite cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, artichokes, etc.

5. They are excellent for diabetics

According to the American Diabetes Association, regular consumption of tomatoes is very suitable for people with diabetes:  it is a low glycemic food, which provides us with multiple nutrients, such as:

  • calcium
  • potassium
  • fibers
  • magnesium
  • vitamins A (like carotenoids), C and E …

Bonus: watermelon and tomato juice recipeWatermelon and tomato juice

This refreshing juice is ideal to start the day. It will help us in particular to purify the organism and to stay well hydrated.

It is very simple to prepare, and if you take advantage of the watermelon season, you will have a remedy that is as healthy as it is delicious.

Watermelon and tomato juice ingredients

  • 300 g watermelon
  • 2 medium ripe tomatoes
  • 150 ml of water
  • 3 peppermint leaves
  • 2 ice cubes


  • blender
  • mortar
  • knife
  • glass


  • The first thing to do is to cut the watermelon to get 300 g of it. It is important to remove the seeds present in the fruit.
  • Clean the tomatoes and cut them in half.
  • In a mortar, crush the mint leaves to release all the essential oils.
  • Put the tomatoes and watermelon in the blender. Blend for a few seconds. When the mixture has become thick, add the water and the crushed mint leaves.
  • That’s it !

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