5 Delicious Ways To Change The Way You Drink Water!

You can add flavor to your water by adding fruit ice cubes. You just have to cut a few small pieces of fruit, put them in the ice cube tray and freeze them.

We all know  we need to drink more water than we are used to. But, how do you manage to drink between 6 and 8 glasses a day?

The water has very little flavor, and you can quickly get tired of drinking such a large amount of it every day.

You may find it difficult to drink your recommended two liters of water per day, even knowing that you need it to keep your kidneys working well, to keep your body healthier and fully detoxified.

In this article, we’re going to give you 5 fun ideas for making drinks that will make it easier for you to ingest water.

1. Lemon water

It’s a fairly classic idea that consists of drinking lemon water, preferably when you wake up.

We have already told you many times about this excellent remedy for health, which allows to purify the body, to eliminate the toxins which have accumulated there, and to obtain a formidable cocktail of vitamins and minerals.


  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 1 glass of lukewarm water (200 ml)

How to prepare it?

First, extract the juice from half a lemon, then mix it in a glass of lukewarm water.

Stir well, and do not especially add sugar, so that your drink is healthier, and more digestible.

Thanks to this drink, you will feel in great shape! Remember that if you suffer from stomach problems, or you are experiencing an episode of diarrhea, lemon is not recommended.

2. Cucumber water

Cucumber water is refreshing, healthy, rich and slimming !

After drinking this drink, you will feel much lighter and more hydrated. It will also help you reduce the headaches you may sometimes experience in the afternoon.

In addition, know that drinking cucumber water will bring you great benefits in antioxidants, depuratives and alkalinizers.

If your goal is to lose weight and take care of your figure, we recommend that you drink one liter per day. After a month, the first results should appear.


  • 1 liter of water
  • A cucumber
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 4 ice cubes

How to prepare it?

Start by peeling the cucumber and cleaning it well. Then cut it into several pieces, to facilitate its introduction into the blender.

Then extract the juice from half a lemon. Mix the cucumber, then mix the result obtained with the water and the lemon juice, so as to obtain a very homogeneous drink.

Let it sit for half an hour in a carafe, and don’t forget to add 4 ice cubes. It is simply delicious!

3. Water with fruity ice cubes

Once you try this fabulous idea, you will never get tired of drinking water again.

Having fruity ice cubes in your freezer is an ideal solution for drinking lots of water every day, especially for children!


  • Choose the fruit you want: strawberry, orange, pear, or apple cut into pieces. It is recommended to choose a fairly acidic fruit, because it will more flavor the water when the ice cubes are dipped in it.
  • You will also need an ice cube tray.

How to prepare them?

We are going to make fruity ice cubes with strawberries and orange. Take careful note:

  • Start by cleaning the strawberries well, then completely peel the orange and cut it into small pieces. Take the largest ice cube tray you have on hand.
  • Put the pieces of fruit with a little water in each cell of your container, and wait until the whole is frozen.

In addition to fruit, you can also include aromatic herbs like mint, or lavender. It’s a delight!

5. Water with fruit slices

The basic secret to drinking more water every day is to have a little willpower and, if possible, to love what you drink.

A fabulous way to do this is to include pieces of whole fruit in your water bottles.


  • 1 liter of water
  • The fruit you like the most. You can choose several and combine them, for more flavors!
  • A crystal jar with a capacity of one and a half liters

How to prepare it?

How about pairing peach with pear and cinnamon? Or tangerine with watermelon?

You can prepare as many jars as you want, mixing the flavors. Put in a jar a peeled peach and cut into four pieces, with a sprig of cinnamon and half a peeled pear.

You just have to add a liter of fresh water. Simple and delicious!

To prepare the tangerine and watermelon jar, simply cut the tangerine into quarters, and put it in the glass jar.

Then, add four small pieces of watermelon, and finish the operation by adding a liter of very cold water.

This drink is ideal for afternoons when you feel tired at work.

If you prepare it in the morning, keep it in the refrigerator. It will be delicious and ready to drink any time of the day!

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