5 Common Symptoms Of Fluid Retention

Did you know that if you notice severe fatigue, a feeling of heaviness, as well as inflammation of certain extremities, it could be related to the retention of liquids?

Do you know the common symptoms of fluid retention? True, when you think about it,  you will remember the characteristic swelling of the legs , but you will have doubts about other discomforts that may arise at the same time.

Do not worry. Below, we’ll tell you what the common symptoms of fluid retention are, and provide you with other information that will help you both prevent and better treat this problem so that it doesn’t affect your well-being. Ready ? Let’s go!

Fluid retention is a common problem

Fluid retention is not a disease, but a symptom that  can arise from various causes. This can occur in particular as a result of a circulatory problem, hormonal changes, but also an excessive consumption of salt.

Considering the fact that it can cause discomfort on a daily basis, it is advisable to consult your doctor, to know the cause, the measures to apply and the most recommended treatment for the case.

Fluid retention usually affects the lower extremities. However, it can affect other areas of the body, such as the abdomen, upper limbs and even the face, in some cases.

fluid retention

Although it can sometimes go unnoticed, fluid retention almost always triggers a series of reactions in the body due to the imbalances that manifest in inflammatory processes.

For this reason, and in order to avoid further complications, it is important to know what the symptoms of fluid retention are and what habits can help us control it.

Symptoms of fluid retention that you shouldn’t ignore

The milder cases of fluid retention often go unnoticed. Or they  are mistaken for a slight increase in body weight. However, when it starts to get complicated, a series of symptoms occur. They can reduce the ability to perform certain daily tasks.

1. Inflammation of the extremities

The first of the common symptoms of fluid retention is inflammation of the lower and upper limbs. These appear with more volume than usual and may present with circulatory difficulties due to the pressure on the valve system due to excess water.

Other areas that can become inflamed due to fluid retention are the abdomen, chest, and face.

2. Feeling of gravity

Due to this disorder, it is common to experience a strong sense of heaviness in the body, especially when performing certain activities that require physical exertion.

The abnormal accumulation of fluids puts additional weight on body mass, which affects muscle, lymphatic and circulatory health.

3. Cellulite

fluid retention

There are many factors that influence the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks and legs. However, this condition can be a symptom of fluid retention, it can become more noticeable and difficult to treat.

While there are many outpatient treatments that help reduce cellulite, fighting fluid buildup is essential in order to see improvement.

 To obtain the treatment suitable for you, it is best to consult your general practitioner or a dermatologist directly.

4. Fatigue and general malaise

The body will try to compensate for imbalances by exerting more effort when something goes wrong,  which usually leads to fatigue. Therefore, another of the common symptoms of fluid retention is fatigue and general discomfort.

5. Urine reduction

As the kidneys fail to process fluids in the body optimally, urine decreases and the risk of urinary system infections increases.

How to prevent fluid retention?

There are many habits and remedies that can help prevent and treat fluid retention. Although many factors influence its occurrence, improving our lifestyle can significantly reduce this risk.

Limit salt intake

Excessive consumption of salt produces imbalances in the body which then lead to the accumulation of water in the tissues.

For this reason, it is important to limit its consumption, not only by avoiding table salt, but also by reducing foods with added salt, such as:

  • Sausages
  • Canned food
  • Mature cheeses
  • Vacuum food
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks

Increase water consumption

fluid retention symptom

The main reason for fluid retention is low intake of water and healthy drinks. Drinking water regulates circulation and optimizes the work of the kidneys.

Consume diuretic foods

There are a wide variety of diuretic foods that can aid in the processes that remove excess fluids from the body. Some of the most recommended are:

  • Pineapple
  • Artichoke
  • Beet
  • Asparagus
  • Watermelon
  • Melon
  • Horsetail
  • Ginger

Avoid the use of tight clothing

Too tight clothing impedes good blood circulation and can therefore influence the appearance of edema, varicose veins and other difficulties.

Perform physical exercise

Sedentary lifestyle can produce inflammatory imbalances in the body, and lead to problems with circulation and fluid retention.

Regular physical exercise, for at least 20 or 30 minutes a day, activates circulation, improves the process of cellular oxygenation, and promotes processes that help keep the body clean and balanced.

fluid retention

Improve your lifestyle if you are retaining fluids

You now know the common symptoms of fluid retention. So keep in mind in case you suffer from it.

If you find that you often suffer from fluid retention, start by improving your lifestyle as soon as possible. You will notice a great improvement every day. Remember, however, to consult your doctor and follow their instructions. 

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