5 Chest Exercises

Strengthening the chest can help you maintain skin elasticity and chest firmness. Discover here some very simple exercises to do at home or at the gym.

Usually, when we are looking to maintain a lean and toned body, our focus is on the arms, abdomen, and legs. Nevertheless, it is also recommended to pay attention to the chest area.

Some consider that toning the muscles of the chest helps to preserve the elasticity of the skin in this area and, in a way, the firmness of the breasts.

So here are some exercises that you can do at home to tone the chest area and, more specifically, the pectoral muscles. Ready to practice?

1. Fitness exercises

If you want to start with something light, yet effective, fitness exercises are a great option.

You can also choose other types of exercise such as dancing, swimming, running, walking or cycling. It will help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular system.

The main source of energy for this type of exercise is body fat. So that you can quickly see the results in weight loss.

2. Dumbbells up and down


This exercise  will help reduce chest fat.  You just need a pair of dumbbells. Then follow these steps:

  • First lie down on the floor or on a mat with your back straight and legs together.
  • Bend your legs, take care of the posture, and look up.
  • Breathe deeply and take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Extend your arms at the hips.
  • Slowly rise to chest level without flexing.
  • Repeat 4 sets of 10 repetitions each.

3. Pumps

Basic push-ups are essential for toning muscles and shedding fat. Including to reduce the size of the breast. You can do them anywhere and it’s not complicated.

  • First, lie down on the floor or on a mat face down.
  • Place your palms on the floor and do the same with your toes.
  • Bend your arms and place your hands at chest level.
  • Try to keep your back straight.
  • Then move up and down in this position by flexing your arms.
  • Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

4. Chest pressure

The Swiss ball is a very useful element for doing various exercises, including those aimed at working the chest.

If you want a firmer bust, this exercise is for you. You can do this with a balloon or other light object that you can squeeze.

  • To start, stand up straight and spread your legs slightly.
  • Take the ball with both hands. It should be against the chest.
  • Then press hard so that the muscles contract.
  • Keep the pressure on by holding for 5 seconds to work the muscles.
  • Finally, do 10 reps, and on the last one, try to double the time you hold the ball down.

5. Dancer’s arm

This exercise not only helps in reducing body fat, but it also slims the figure and tones the muscles.

  • Stand up and straighten your spine.
  • Then bring your feet and legs together and gently push your chest out.
  • The head should be turned forward so as not to injure your neck.
  • Stretch your arm to put your fingers at head level and stand on your tiptoes (simulating the position of a dancer).
  • Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times.
  • Rest and switch arms.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 reps with each arm.

Other recommendations

  • Daily exercise.
    • Work on different areas of your body, not just your chest.
    • Remember to stretch, before and after exercise.
  • Eat a balanced diet and drink enough water each day.
  • Wear an appropriate bra.  For sport, there are several very comfortable models.
  • Maintain good posture whether or not you exercise.
  • Avoid excess fatty and sugary foods that increase body fat. It is advisable to increase your intake of fruits, vegetables and proteins.
  • Remember, exercise and nutrition should always go hand in hand.

So which exercise will you start with? Whatever your answer, keep in mind that you need to be consistent in order to get good results. Keep in mind that occasional exercise and returning to a  sedentary lifestyle  will be of little or no use.

Also remember that it is important (if necessary) to correct your eating habits and to ensure that you are eating a complete and balanced diet. This combination will be the key to any goals you set for yourself.

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