4 Smoothies To Treat High Blood Pressure

It is important that we drink these smoothies when they have just been prepared to benefit from all their properties. Remember that the apple is great for your heart, and it helps us regulate blood pressure.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure,  is a silent disease that gradually progresses in our body causing very serious consequences.

To avoid this problem, it is important to carry out some regular screenings, and to improve your lifestyle.

Including the delicious smoothies that we are going to tell you about in your diet will go a long way in reducing the high blood pressure you may suffer from. You are ready ?

1. Hypertension, a silent enemy

If your doctor has diagnosed you with high blood pressure, he or she may have suggested that you change a few habits in your daily life.

Some patients do not need to undergo drug treatments, as they are only advised to perform a few exercises, change some eating habits, quit smoking, etc.

If you have not been given medication to cure your condition, do not let it go, although being on treatment may lead you to think that the problem is not at all benign.

It is important that you accompany these medicines with adequate resolutions in your daily life.

The increase in blood pressure levels is due to abnormal strong pressure exerted by the heart on the arteries. His contractions are stronger, and his moments of relaxation are within abnormal limits.

Never take this problem lightly, as the consequences of high blood pressure are extremely dangerous.

The possible consequences:

  • Risks for the brain:  high blood pressure causes the arteries to become more rigid, narrower, which makes the blood flow insufficient and causes the appearance of cerebral infarctions, such as stroke for example.
  • Risks for the kidneys:  this stiffness of the arteries that we have just told you about prevents blood from reaching the kidneys, which can lead to kidney failure. The risk of having to live with dialysis is therefore significant. And no one wants to live their whole life connected to a machine that replaces the functioning of their kidneys.
  • Risks for the heart:  stiffened arteries overload the heart, which can cause a heart attack or injury of varying magnitude. Chronic disease, such as heart failure, can also develop.  
  • Other pathologies to take into account:  the arteries located in the thighs can also be overloaded. You will then feel more tired, and you may suffer from thrombosis.
    High blood pressure also affects the vision and health of the pancreas. Not to mention that hypertension is the cause of many headaches.

2. Natural smoothies to treat hypertension

1. The apple and cinnamon smoothie

Smoothie against hypertension.

  • A green apple
  • A glass of vegetable oat drink 
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon powder

As you already know, the apple is excellent for our overall health, but especially for our heart. It is excellent for regulating blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels.

Combined with a delicious oatmeal cinnamon drink, you will undoubtedly have a perfect treat to start the day.

You just have to wash the apple, and mix it (without peeling it) with the oats and a spoonful of cinnamon.
Mix everything well, then drink this smoothie to be in great shape, and start your day right.

2. The strawberry and banana smoothie

Strawberry against hypertension.

  • 8 strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 3 nuts
  • 1 half glass of water or skimmed milk 

This smoothie is very energetic and ideal for treating hypertension. Strawberries are an excellent source of antioxidants ideal for regulating blood pressure.

For its part, bananas are rich in potassium and tryptophan, which make them one of the best fruits for our heart. And what about nuts? They are fantastic!

This remedy is advised by doctors, who recommend consuming it every day. To achieve this, you will only have to mix the fruits and nuts well to obtain an excellent drink for your health.

3. The spinach, carrot and celery smoothie

  • 1 carrot
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 5 spinach
  • 1 glass of water  

This plant-based smoothie is a very healthy solution for lunch or dinner, and it works in an ideal way to regulate your blood pressure. It will also provide you with vitamins and minerals, which will support your heart health.

Your arteries will be more elastic and healthy, which will prevent them from hardening too much.

Wash your vegetables well and place them in the blender with a glass of water. In this way, you will obtain a more homogeneous and easy to drink liquid.

4. The orange, kiwi and pear smoothie

The pear against hypertension.

  • The juice of an orange
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 half glass of water 
  • A medium pear

Have you ever tried mixing pear, orange and kiwi?  Although it might sound a little odd to you, this blend is ideal because all three of these fruits are great for high blood pressure.

If you drink it three times a week for breakfast, you’ll start your day in the best possible way.

And how to prepare it? The important thing is to always eat it fresh. First extract the juice from the orange, then mix the pear and the kiwi, before adding a glass of water.

If you integrate these smoothies into a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and water, and you avoid consuming salt in your meals, you will see how quickly your condition will improve. Your health is well worth it!

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