4 Habits That Will Force Your Body To Burn Unnecessary Fat

Ketosis is a natural process in which the body burns accumulated fat for use as fuel. One of its prerequisites is to reduce the intake of carbohydrates.

There are several ways to burn unwanted fat. One of them is the ketogenic diet. We stop eating carbohydrates, forcing the body to go into a metabolic process called ketosis.

In ketosis, the body is forced to burn fat. He is looking for a source of energy, whether it is that which is accumulated in the body or that which is ingested.

When this happens, the liver then begins to produce ketones. These are responsible for administering energy to the heart and brain.

1. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume

The first step to burning excess fat is to minimize your intake of carbohydrates. No more than 15 or 20 grams per day.

Thus, the body cannot use glucose or sugar as a source of energy and goes into an exceptional state in which it obtains the energy it needs to function from the fatty acids and fats it has accumulated.

Glycogen, which is nothing more than glucose stored in the liver and muscles, ceases to be a reserve and becomes the main source of energy that we use to carry out our daily activities.

In the first few days, it is very common to experience fatigue and even latent bad mood: this is part of the process of adjusting to poor carbohydrate intake.

2. Add coconut oil to your diet to burn extra fat

coconut oil to burn unwanted fat

The second tip for burning excess fat using ketosis is to include coconut oil in the daily diet.

  • This oil contains fats called medium chain triglycerides, which are quickly absorbed.
  • The liver converts these fats into ketones, which are a great source of energy.
  • In fact, this oil has lauric acid which is given to children with epilepsy to direct them into ketosis without them needing to reduce their intake of carbohydrates.

3. Add healthy fats to your menu

Another step to burning excess fat is to include healthy fats in your diet, such as:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Coconut oil
  • Butter

Remember that this should be done carefully because if the intention is to lose weight, ingesting too much fat means an increase in the calories consumed daily.

In addition, it is important that the fats you choose are as natural as possible to minimize the ingestion of chemicals.

4. Increase the amount of protein in your diet

protein in the diet

It is important to maintain normal to high protein intake when trying to burn excess fat.

This is because during the digestive process of proteins, the liver obtains amino acids. It needs them to produce the glucose needed to use ketones as an energy fuel.

Thus, protein is vital for the muscle recovery that takes place when you lose weight. When we burn excess fat, we can also lose muscle mass.

Benefits of ketosis

  • We lose weight quickly through the use of stored fat as energy sources. However, the difference is not so marked when comparing this system to a low carbohydrate diet.
  • However, this diet helps to metabolize carbohydrates better when they are again gradually ingested in the diet.
  • With ketosis, the body learns to use fat more efficiently, and this effect can be sustained over time.
  • The ketogenic diet has a satiating effect. Anxiety levels, which cause us to overeat, are reduced because more healthy fats are included in the daily diet.

Side Effects of This Fat Burning Diet

Even though burning excess fat is one of your concerns right now, know that any diet comes with a risk.

Although the ketogenic diet is natural and teaches you to eat well, it can cause some side effects due to the changes it requires in the diet.

Here are the most common:

  • Nausea and headaches. This effect appears after the third day and occurs because the brain needs glycogen to function.
    Even though ketones make it work, in the process of adaptation there may be nausea when standing up or moving quickly.
  • Bad breath or a metallic taste in the mouth. This is common due to the high presence of ketones in the body, which tries to burn fat.
  • Urine has a very strong odor, due to the release of ketones.
  • Excessive sweating. Like urine, excessive sweating is one of the ways the body eliminates ketones.
  • The loss of calcium. There is a strong link between high protein intake and calcium loss through urine.
    This is due to the amount of acids needed to digest protein, as bone stability is very sensitive to the body’s basic acid balance.
    To avoid the problem, then be sure to add a calcium supplement to your diet.

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