4 Cinnamon Masks To Have Perfect Hair

Thanks to the properties of cinnamon, it is possible to have perfect hair, much stronger and healthier, without the use of chemicals. 

Since the Middle Ages, cinnamon has been a spice that has been used in many ways due to its pleasant taste and smell.

It also stands out for its benefits, which include improving the condition of the skin, and especially improving the condition of the hair.

Cinnamon in all its forms is one of the best natural options for taking care of your hair.

So let’s see how to make cinnamon masks to have hair.

The benefits of cinnamon on the hair 

The treatments, cinnamon hair masks give the following results:

  • resistance
  • a rapid growth
  • good natural lightening
  • regeneration of opaque and abused hair

To take care of your hair, there is no need to use thousands of chemicals: the solution is found in natural ingredients such as cinnamon.

4 cinnamon masks for perfect hair

1. Cinnamon oilcinnamon masks

Cinnamon oil is one of the products that supports hair structure the most.

It is a natural component that greatly strengthens the hair roots. It thus prevents their  fall, which is also noticeable on the scalp.


  • 2 tablespoons of cinnamon oil (30 g)

The mode of application

  • Apply the oil to your scalp starting from the sides.
  • Do it 3 times a week, and you will quickly notice changes in the resistance of your hair.

2. A concentrate of cinnamoncinnamon masks

If you want to bleach your hair naturally, cinnamon can be your best friend.

There are many properties of this spice, and one of them is its lightening power, especially in those with light hair.


  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 glasses of water (500 ml)

The mode of application 

  • The day before, prepare an infusion based on water and cinnamon sticks.
  • The next day, apply the preparation all over your hair, and leave on for half an hour.
  • Rinse with water, and repeat this process twice a week until you get the desired color.

3. Cinnamon watercinnamon masks

Cinnamon has many effects on the hair. The effect obtained on the hair depends on how the cinnamon is used.

As for cinnamon water, it is an excellent product for promoting hair growth, as it stimulates the hair follicles by providing them with much better oxygenation.


  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 glass of water at room temperature (250 ml)

The mode of application

  • Stir the cinnamon in the water for 20 minutes until the water has completely changed color.
  • Then remove the cinnamon sticks.
  • Pour the water on your hair, then perform circular massages in all areas.
  • Massage for 5 minutes, then wash your hair as usual.
  • Do this cinnamon mask 3 times a week. You will notice faster hair growth.

Honey and cinnamon powdercinnamon masks

Strengthening her hair and keeping it hydrated is possible with the help of good cinnamon masks.

If you want to have perfect hair, the combination of vitamins and minerals in cinnamon with trace elements in bee honey gives very good results, especially keeping them out of the reach of external agents.


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of bee honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon (10 g)

The mode of application

  • Mix the olive oil and the cinnamon powder until you get a smooth paste.
  • Wash your hair normally then apply the mask by massaging in circles all over the scalp.
  • Then leave the mask on for 15 minutes so that the nutrients are integrated into each hair fiber.
  • Rinse your hair with water, and if desired, use a cream bath to completely remove the smell of olive oil.

These cinnamon hair masks take  consistency and dedication to achieve the desired effect.

Remember to be patient. Indeed, changes always require a little patience.

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