3 Excellent Apple Cider Vinegar Beauty Rituals

Before adding apple cider vinegar to your beauty programs, it is best to do a test on a small area to make sure you do not have an allergy.

You can add an extra ingredient to your daily beauty rituals: organic apple cider vinegar.

You can find it in natural stores or herbalists. It is different from the one we use for ingestion. It is pure, unfiltered, unpasteurized and retains a large part of its natural virtues, to be used on the skin.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural source of skin and hair benefits. In addition, it represents an economical and safe option within our reach for treating simple problems such as acne or dry hair.

Keep in mind that the purest, untreated apple cider vinegar contains very beneficial enzymes and bacteria, as well as trace elements that will help you look more attractive in the mirror.

The key is to be consistent and apply these tips on a regular basis.

We will explain everything to you.

1. Beauty rituals for people with oily skin

Apple cider vinegar for oily skin.

If you have oily skin and aren’t sure which cream or treatment to use, try something more natural and economical. D cover apple cider vinegar and its wonderful astringent properties.

  • This type of vinegar provides us with a very rich source of alpha-hydroxy acids, which increase the flow of blood to the skin and reduce our pores to a minimum.
  • In addition, apple cider vinegar also allows us to regulate the pH level of our skin.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how you can perform these beauty rituals to improve the appearance of your skin and avoid the classic shine of oily skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)
  • 1 cotton disc


  • Mix the two ingredients well (water and apple cider vinegar).
  • Moisten the cotton pad with this product.
  • Apply it on the face with a circular massage.
  • Leave it on for 3 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

If you have very sensitive skin, add an additional half a glass of water to the mixture.

2. Prettier, odorless feet thanks to apple cider vinegar

If you want to take maximum care of your feet, there’s nothing like soaking them for 15 minutes in a basin of water with apple cider vinegar.

You will listen to your well-being needs and you will put an end to bad smells thanks to the anti-microbial properties of the product.


  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar (125 mL)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary


  • The first thing to do: put the liter of water and the rosemary to heat.
  • Once it comes to a boil, pour into a basin.
  • When the water has cooled a bit, add the apple cider vinegar.
  • Immerse your feet in it for 10 to 15 minutes.

Next, remember to dry your feet well. You will see that you will get great results!

3. Pretty, resistant, shiny and dandruff-free hair

Apple cider vinegar is also a simple and wonderful remedy for soft and shiny hair.

  • On the one hand, it helps us remove from the hair and scalp all harmful products from shampoos and other treatments which, in the long run, alter the natural pH of the scalp.
  • Thus, apple cider vinegar has natural antifungal properties to fight and reduce the incidence of dandruff.
  • Moreover, it cleans the clogged pores and takes care of our hair follicles.


  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (20 ml)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 5 drops of tea tree essential oil


  • With damp hair, apply this mixture of vinegar, water and tea tree essential oil to your scalp, followed by a 5-minute massage.
  • Then leave it on for another 5 minutes.
  • Rinse the hair with lukewarm water, then apply your usual conditioner.
  • Repeat this twice a week.

To conclude, these apple cider vinegar remedies can give us excellent results.

However, before following these beauty rituals, apply a drop of this vinegar to your skin to do a little test. You could be suffering from an allergic reaction.

Some people are a little more sensitive than others to this type of natural treatment. This is why it is necessary to go there with precaution. But know that if you do not have an allergy, this is an excellent and essential product.

Are you ready to use it today?

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