11 Tips For Organizing Your Home That Work

Do you have the impression that a lot of things are lying around your house and your interior is always a mess? Check out some simple tips here to improve this.

Sometimes, organizing your interior is a real headache. We may spend our time cleaning and tidying up, very quickly, it’s a mess again.

There is no single strategy for organizing your interior well. It all depends on each person’s personality. However, some tips are key and therefore work for everyone when it comes to organizing an interior and making it more comfortable and harmonious.

Before you start to organize your interior …

First and foremost, you need to identify the areas of your home that are causing you the most problems. Take a close look at your interior and think about possible solutions. Don’t try to organize everything all at once. Devote sufficient time to each room. Even if it will take several days, organize your different rooms one by one.

It is also important that you and your family stay true to the decisions made so that you don’t make the same mistakes and end up with a house completely in a mess again.

1. Don’t keep things you don’t use

Organize your interior by keeping only the essential things

You undoubtedly have in your cupboards or in boxes a multitude of things which you do not use any more but which you keep, because you think that, perhaps, one day, you will use them again, or because they bring back good memories.

Books, decorative items, old clothes that you no longer use. And even records that you no longer listen to because you are listening to music on your laptop. ..

All those things that you no longer use and keep in a corner take up space that you could free up to refresh your home. All those things that have been hidden in a closet for a long time will surely stay there for the rest of your life, taking up unnecessary space.

Most certainly, you only think about these things when you tidy up your interior… So, the best thing to do is to get rid of them.

If you are offered something new or if you buy something, get rid of what is old immediately. Give these things away, give them away, or throw them in the trash if they’re no longer usable, but don’t keep them “just in case”.

2. Always store your things in the same place

Every day, each member of your family comes home with a lot of belongings: their keys, their wallet, their bag, the mail, and even groceries. Set up a fixed location for those things that come with you as soon as you go out.

“If you have a lot of things without a defined location, sooner or later they will pile up on top of each other and it will be impossible to clean up,” says Jennifer Snyder, professional organizer of Neat as a Pin .

Attach a hook for hanging keys near the door, a mail shelf and a magazine rack for your magazines, for example. Don’t let a whole pile of stuff pile up on a table or chair.

3. When it comes time to organize your interior, store your things according to the frequency of use

Organize your cabinets and drawers in a smart way. What you use every day should be close at hand. What you rarely use should be on that shelf in the cabinet that you can only reach with a chair.

If you store your infrequently used things next to those you use every day, chances are you will constantly have to take those things out to access what you actually use.

4. Divide your drawers and shelves

Don’t pile up all your stuff in your drawers and on your shelves. Use dividers to create divisions and thus separate your business. This will allow you to make better use of the space and not pile things on top of each other.

“There should be no drawers without dividers in your home,” insists Christopher Lower, author of the Seven Steps of Organization book .

5. Don’t use tables for storage

Putting all your things on the table is one of the most common temptations when you return home. Even if the intention is to leave them there temporarily, the table usually ends up turning into a storage room. Then set the following rule: do not put your things on the table. And if that doesn’t work, find a way to make it work.

Julie Isaac, owner of  Uncluterred Homes, recommends, for example, placing flowers and other decorative items on the table. If the table in question is in the dining room, having the table always set is another tip. In this way, the message is clear: the table is not a storage room.

6. Do not buy boxes to store your things before sorting and organizing your interior

Before buying a box or piece of furniture to store these lying around, make sure you have done a thorough and complete sorting beforehand.

If you have more storage space than you thought, then it is very likely that very quickly you will again accumulate a large amount of unnecessary stuff, which, in the long run, will create new chaos in your interior. .

7. Assign tasks to organize your interior

Organize your interior well

If you live with a family and don’t get help with household chores, assign household chores to each family member. One member has to clear the table, another has to do the dishes, another has to clean the bathroom, another the kitchen… As for the rooms, everyone should take care of keeping their room clean and tidy.

This standard must be applied rigorously. If one of the family members does not follow this rule, the other members will have an excuse to do the same.

8. Immediately put away your things after using them

The bad habit of not putting things away immediately after use affects many people. The problem is that the “after” (“I’ll put away after”) never happens. Make sure your kids put their toys away when they’re done playing with them, don’t leave their plates on the table after they’ve finished eating, and wash kitchen utensils while you’re cooking, for example.

These tasks that you will assign to each member of the family must be respected at the time: they must not be postponed.

9. Do not accumulate hangers

Every time you buy new clothes or bring home clothes left at the dry cleaners, you bring back a hanger. And without realizing it, you end up having more hangers in your wardrobes than clothes. Return the hangers to the dry cleaners or recycle them.

10. Do not use your garage or attic as a storage room.

When we live in a house that has a garage or an attic, we tend to think that we have enough space in those rooms to store things that we are not using. Now, by thinking this way, it is very likely that you will end up taking up all that space and turning it into storage, something you do not want.

Just get rid of old stuff you don’t use, as we suggested at the start. The garage and attic are also parts of the house in their own right, so don’t turn them into a messy storage room.

11. Sort once a year to keep the interior tidy

Even if you follow all the best strategies to organize your home to the letter, some things will inevitably end up out of their storage location.

So, once a year, take the time to sort it out to make sure you haven’t accumulated unnecessary things, that the shelves and drawers are well organized, and everything is in its place.

Now is the time to start organizing your interior. Take a critical look at your home and decide where to start. Take action!

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