10 Foods That Allow You To Sleep Better

If dairy products can be very virtuous in eliminating stress, it is better to avoid them if one suffers from digestive disorders because they can produce reflux and prevent the rest.

It’s important to get restful sleep every night. Here we are going to give you a list of foods that will help you sleep better. Maybe you already know the properties of some, but others will probably surprise you.

We also recommend that you avoid soda and coffee in the evening . Replace these products with a cup of green tea and you will say goodbye to insomnia.

Foods to help you sleep better

1. Cherries

You can opt for fresh cherries or a little cherry juice to help you rest. This juice is a good replacement for sodas and other sugary drinks.

Cherries are among the foods that help sleep better because they naturally increase melatonin levels .

Start by consuming these fruits or their juice and you will no longer have trouble sleeping.

2. Almonds

Almonds are considered super foods. They help in particular to sleep better thanks to their high magnesium content which relaxes the body. 

Remember that one of the main criteria for getting restful sleep is getting several hours of sleep at a stretch. It happens when you are relaxed and not stressed.

3. Tomatoes

Foods to help you sleep better: tomatoes and broccoli

Tomato lycopenes have a good influence on sleep and help you sleep better. Eat as many cooked tomatoes as you can.

The cooking process allows you to better enjoy the benefits of lycopene.

You can also make a soup that contains tomato among its ingredients. If you want something fresher, go for a salad.

In both cases, you will benefit from the virtues of lycopene.

4. Dairy products

The calcium in yogurt and other dairy products helps the body to relieve stress . This allows you to sleep better and faster, thus avoiding wandering the mind.

When you consume yogurt as a dessert in the evening, you are introducing good bacteria into your digestive system. So they will do a good job overnight.

The different cheeses are ideal in a sandwich for dinner. Hunger will not prevent you from sleeping.

5. Infusions

Herbal teas are one of the foods that help you sleep better. There are many varieties, and some are even designed to make sleep easier.

You can try chamomile tea, also known for its ability to relax the body. You can alternate it or combine it with mint or honey. Quenettier tea can also encourage sleep.

It is important to avoid caffeine at all costs . Otherwise, you can make any blends and combinations you prefer.

6. Bananas

We have already told you about the benefits of bananas in the diet. And in particular all the uses of his skin. This time, we recommend them for better sleep.

Indeed, the banana regulates the circadian rhythm. This means that it will help you sleep at the right time and the hours that you need.

A yogurt banana a few hours before sleeping and you can forget about insomnia. During the day, you will have the energy you need for all your activities.

7. Watermelon

Watermelon is one of the favorite fruits during the summer. But it’s not only rich in taste, water and nutrients. It is also one of the foods that help you sleep better.

Watermelon is a source of lycopene, the same element found in tomato. Thanks to its properties, it is ideal for losing weight.

Our advice is to consume a cup of watermelon a few hours before sleeping. If you are very hungry, you can also supplement your dinner with protein.

You will find that not only will you lose weight and you will be able to sleep better.

8. The fish

Vitamin B6 found in many fish helps your body make the amount of melatonin it needs for better sleep. The best fish that contain vitamin B6 are salmon and halibut.

In addition to helping you sleep better, many varieties of blue fish contain omega-3s. These fats improve the functioning of your cardiovascular system.

Melatonin and feeling drowsy will not affect your daily activities.

Your body will naturally regulate when you need to sleep and when you need to be awake.

9. Chickpeas

Chickpeas also help sleep. They have been shown to be able to increase the amount of vitamin B6 in the body, just like fish.

This characteristic makes them ideal for vegetarians and vegans who have trouble sleeping.

Consuming chickpeas allows for restful sleep without the need for medication or artificial supplements. 

10. Broccoli

Broccoli isn’t just one of the foods that help you sleep better. It also has many other benefits.

It contains a large part of the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. In addition, it is rich in protein, iron and magnesium.

The latter makes it easier to generate more restful and peaceful sleep.

You can eat broccoli cooked, in salads or in juice. No excuse !

Eat foods that help you sleep better and say goodbye to insomnia

We know how horrible it is to spend the night rolling around in bed.

The foods we just mentioned will help you sleep better without having to take medication. Enjoy it!

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